Spraddle Leg... Splay Leg... How long to tape the legs?


12 Years
Jun 5, 2011
North Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Tractor Supply called me (at work!) to ask if I could take care of their weak or injured chicks. They give me the chicks for free. Last night I brought home 3. One of them only had Spraddle Leg. I taped the legs in a healthy position and within 2 hours the chick was standing and walking on it's own. This morning it ate and drank without help as well. My question is how long do I tape them? I can't find the magazine that I read it in. And someone borrowed the book I ordered on Chicken diseases and injuries. Not exactly and emergency, but input would be appreciated. Thanks!

When I got home from work yesterday, the chick broke the tape, and was still walking, but it's legs were not quite straight, and kept getting further apart. Luckily I re-taped them before it was re-injured. So far it is still doing great.
*No Tape*

Tractor Supply gave me this chick on Wednesday evening (2-13-13) and today is Sunday evening (2-17-13) with the chick. The chick broke the tape again. I did a temp tape job and put the 2 chicks in an open paper sack to clean their brooder. I put some thin foam shelf "paper" on the bottom of the brooder, added fresh food and water and put the chicks back in. Sure enough, the chick was trying to break the tape on it's own, so I took the tape off to see how it did without it. It is walking and running without any complications. It is also keeping it's legs a normal width apart, on it's own!!! SUCCESS!!!


PS... Wish I'd found this link sooner. Simple and Excellent Idea!!!
http://www.poultryhelp.com/spraddle.html (Link copied from ruth)
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