SQ or PQ?


8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
I have trio of Jersey Giants and I wanted to know if they were SQ or PQ... I think the rooster and a hen is PQ and I think the other hen is SQ but I just wanted to make sure... their all the same age (5 months old), as far as the hens go Jersey (orange band and one I think is SQ) is larger an more filled out the Liqourish (pink band and one I think is PQ).. I know these are not the best pictures and Im sorry!! they were just let out and wouldnt sit still.. they are by far the hardest birds to get pictures of!

The JG rooster, Thor, and Liqourish (the 2 I think is PQ) at 3 months old


Today at 5 months old



Jersey - the hen I BELIEVE is SQ (today at 5 months old)


Jersey (right) and Liqourish (left)

I think they look nice but I also think they are to young to be making that decision. I do not breed them so I do not know the requirements for them but I would suggest unless they have a noticeable defect or disqualification for the breed I would hang onto them until they are closer to 8 months to a year old before deciding. Do you have a copy of the standard? If not you should invest in one, it is so helpful. I love mine.

Good luck
IDK if this would be a DQ or not... but Thor has this small squishy mass over his eye that you dont really see unless your right up on him... would this be a DQ?

I do not show my birds but I do try to breed as close to the standard as possible so I can't say for sure but I am going to guess that it may cause a problem. I do not know whether he would be DQ but I am sure you would lose points for it. Hopefully someone will come along with a better answer for you.

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