Squeaking Geese - no parasites

Thank you so much for this wealth of information!
No voice change, no weight loss. Some mucus in the poop, but not always.
No foaming from eyes or gurgling in their bellies.

They are free to sleep outside or on straw bedding in their little hut. They usually sleep outside. I check the straw every day when I change their water and take out the wet/poopy straw and add fresh as needed.

I got a sample of their poop tested and it showed no parasites. No giardia, either.

Their water buckets are: 1 one gallon and 1 two gallons. Fresh every day and large enough to submerge their heads.

Feed is from a local outfit that grows and grinds their own feed. Pea, wheat, soy. It's a grower mash that has a higher protein content as I also feed the chickens that feed and we have some 4 month olds and also I tend to go with a higher protein content here in North Idaho to keep their engines running.

I started mixing my anti parasite tincture in with their feed along with some oregano oil. The anti parasite tincture is made with herbs that are also antimicrobial. I've been doing this for the last 4 days, and have noticed less squeaking, but not a full resolution.

I'm letting them out a few days a week to roam the farmlet and dig up some roots as it's been a mild winter here.

It's so much easier to treat chickens than geese, I'm finding.
Straw can harbor aspergillosis but with that kind of cleaning regimen it shouldn’t be a concern. asper can affect birds with no real known reason why though, it’s a horrible disease.
Considering you are seeing mucous in some droppings to be safe you should probably start them if corid. Coccidia and other intestinal bugs can sometimes cause a cough.
That’s much better stuff with less severe side effects than itraconazole. You have a good vet!
My vet has been amazing and
has also bonded with dasher
The zoo’s use this meds on their birds
Way cheaper too
It cost me 750 for meds the first time
Second time she had done research as well as another vet at the office was doing a program at the Calgary zoo
She got the info and brought it back to my vet.
This round cost me 30 dollars and cured it faster
You’re very welcome
Hopefully you can get them fixed up
Adding oregano to feed helps fight off infections as well
It doesn’t fully do it but I have been using it in my feed for months now

@Miss Lydia uses it in her feed as well
Trying lots of natural things are great preventatives
My old Muscovy drake was sounding hoarse about 3 weeks ago So I started putting ACV with mother in their drinking water. My 3 oldest are separated from the other ducks by fencing so they are the only ones getting this right now I also put dried greek oregano in their feed this is for all my birds but I sprinkled it over the top of my Muscovys feed daily 1 Tab. and in about a week his hoarseness was gone. He had never sounded squeaky hoarse like he did so I knew I needed to get on this right away. He is 12 1/2 yrs old.
You’re very welcome
Hopefully you can get them fixed up
Adding oregano to feed helps fight off infections as well
It doesn’t fully do it but I have been using it in my feed for months now

@Miss Lydia uses it in her feed as well
Trying lots of natural things are great preventatives
I've been putting in oregano oil in their feed and a couple drops in their water for about a week now. They aren't thrilled, so I halved the amount.
My old Muscovy drake was sounding hoarse about 3 weeks ago So I started putting ACV with mother in their drinking water. My 3 oldest are separated from the other ducks by fencing so they are the only ones getting this right now I also put dried greek oregano in their feed this is for all my birds but I sprinkled it over the top of my Muscovys feed daily 1 Tab. and in about a week his hoarseness was gone. He had never sounded squeaky hoarse like he did so I knew I needed to get on this right away. He is 12 1/2 yrs old.
Good info, thank you!
Straw can harbor aspergillosis but with that kind of cleaning regimen it shouldn’t be a concern. asper can affect birds with no real known reason why though, it’s a horrible disease.
Considering you are seeing mucous in some droppings to be safe you should probably start them if corid. Coccidia and other intestinal bugs can sometimes cause a cough.
Thank you
Hello everyone. I’m hoping someone with geese experience can help me figure out this conundrum.

I need some help with diagnosing a goose issue, please. My goose shakes his head and squeaks. He’s done it off and on since summer. He’s been treated and tested for parasites. Negative on that.

He’s been given a round of anti-inflammatories in case something was lodged in his nares. Daisy, his wife, is squeaking now as well. A test for aspergillus, which would be a swab in his beak, costs $500. That’s not gonna happen.

They look and act generally well. They eat and drink, they have energy, their feathers look good. Fresh water every day. I alternate acv and probiotics in the water.

I treated myself with colloidal silver spray and other things when I had mycotoxins in my sinuses. And I’m wondering if I could do that for my geese??

Does anyone have experience with this issue? The vets in my area don’t really know anything about geese and I’m kind of at my wit’s end here.
Thank you in advance.

The Oxine AH came today and as per instructions on the article, I used 3.25 oz in a half gallon of water. I fogged the geeses' faces and their hut. The article said 3x a day, so that's what I'm going to do. The author also states that he puts in 1/8 tsp in the water, which I also did. Fingers and toes crossed.

Incidentally, the author writes that, if used correctly, there is no need for a mask. I used a mask as the bottle label gave so many dire warnings.

The Oxine AH came today and as per instructions on the article, I used 3.25 oz in a half gallon of water. I fogged the geeses' faces and their hut. The article said 3x a day, so that's what I'm going to do. The author also states that he puts in 1/8 tsp in the water, which I also did. Fingers and toes crossed.

Incidentally, the author writes that, if used correctly, there is no need for a mask. I used a mask as the bottle label gave so many dire warnings.
I just started using oxine ah a couple days for similar issue with a couple of my ducks . at first the label scared me but i believe the warnings apply to the mixture only if you "activate" it with some other ingredient you would have to also buy, but we are only using it in NONactivated state. so Im not using a mask. Honestly I figure if I incidentally breathe a little of it will likely be good for me too :)

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