Started pairs of several rare breeds - SE PA (local only)


10 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Pottstown, PA
Get a jump start on your chicken breeding plans by buying started, sexed birds. We have the following rare and heritage breeds available for $30 a pair or $50 a trio (2 hens, 1 rooster). We are small time hobbyists, so the availability is very limited. We can give advice or explain the heritage of these breeds, just ask us!

We also have chicks and eggs of some of these available from time to time.

Available breeds:
Barred Hollands
Blue and Black French Copper Marans
Blue Breda Fowl
New Hampshires, German imported strain
Any chance you'd be willing to sell a pair of hens only? Unfortunately, we can't have a rooster waking the neighbors!

Would prefer Barred Holland, but I'm open to other breeds as long as they are decent layers and reasonably cold hardy.
Everyone wants hens, no one wants the extra roos. I suppose I should price them at $30 per hen / 2 for $50, and include an optional, free roo with every hen. It seemed simpler to sell them as pairs. I am raising these mostly for our laying flock, but since these are breeds that are not widely distributed, I was hoping to setup other local breeders for these breeds. Next year I hope to have a lot more hens available. Right now, I only have a single hen of some of these breeds and am working on building the flock.

Your best bet would be to buy pullet chicks from a feed store and raise them yourself.
I know what you mean. We bred Silkies when I was growing up and usually ended up giving the roos to friends with petting zoos or taking them to the auction.

Thanks for replying. I'll check with other local breeders.

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