Starting babies on treats


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2016
I have read a few posts and I have noticed the age range has varied between chicken moms & dads.

I have 3 babies that are a week today & 5 more that will be a week on Weds. I am toying with giving them treats because well it just sounds fun!

Will their age be okay? Should I wait until Wed then they all will be a week old?

They have sand in their brooder so I am assuming they do not need chick specific grit? (I do have some though)

What about dandilions? Will this be okay? Do I just give the flowers or can they have the stems too?

It is supposed to rain, I thought about grabbing small worms that have worked their way up. Is this cool?

Is there insects they should NOT eat due to posions?

Small pieces of spaghetti okies?

HERE IS my BIG question...

My hubby has NOT yet fertilized this year but did last year, is that still lingering around? Wouldn't that be all washed away already? We did have a lot of rain.
Mine are 5 weeks and I'm just starting to give treats haha and I think I'm late on the fun.. But I did notice when I brought my little ones outside worms were too big for them. They would try to go for them and just couldn't figure it out. Maybe if you catch them.. Cut up the worms to make it easier for them to eat.
Yea..I won't be the one yanking a worm in half! lol Sounds like a job for the boys! If they'll even do it...

Thanks for the link!
Tug-o-war and worm-keep-away accompanied by frantic, high decibel shrieking that sounds like a referee's whistle blasting over a foul committed in a hot, Friday night game!
ahh, the joys huh? lol

But should they be okay with dandelions? Anyone know about the fertilizer?
:lau  ahh, the joys huh? lol 

But should they be okay with dandelions? Anyone know about the fertilizer?  

Fertilizer should be incorporated into the soil and plants by now. Main issues with feeding stuff from the lawn are herbicides and pesticides, not as much fertilizers (except perhaps fresh applications or pelleted if your chicks free range).
I actually raise red wiggler worms for vermi-composting. The young chicks as stated were interested but not quite able. However my 10 week olds love them as did my previous flock. I have cut them up for the babies in the past and it worked well. But I prefer to wait till they're big enough. Yes, the chicken chase is one of the best entertainments ever! Sometimes they do it with a pine shaving. The usual suggestion for treats is not more than 10% of their diet. However if they range, they will eat whatever they want. when we first started treats we did corn chex and rice chex, slightly crushed. A scrambled egg might be good as well. Mine were very cautious of anything at first. Now they know I'm bringing treats. If it's moving, they tend to look a little longer before going after it. Tons of fun.

I agree that the fertilizer should be used up and washed away by now.
I actually raise red wiggler worms for vermi-composting. The young chicks as stated were interested but not quite able. However my 10 week olds love them as did my previous flock. I have cut them up for the babies in the past and it worked well. But I prefer to wait till they're big enough. Yes, the chicken chase is one of the best entertainments ever! Sometimes they do it with a pine shaving. The usual suggestion for treats is not more than 10% of their diet. However if they range, they will eat whatever they want. when we first started treats we did corn chex and rice chex, slightly crushed. A scrambled egg might be good as well. Mine were very cautious of anything at first. Now they know I'm bringing treats. If it's moving, they tend to look a little longer before going after it. Tons of fun.

I agree that the fertilizer should be used up and washed away by now. 

Off-topic, but do you have issues with fruit flies with the vermicomposting system? I have had to shut mine down due to issues with the flies taking over.

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