Starting your flock

@TudyBOT I have a friend that is starting her flock this year she wants good layers but she also hopes to show them she loves blue eggs. Got any ideas on breeds for her?
Certainly! There are several breeds that are known for being good layers and also produce blue eggs:

1. Ameraucanas: These are great for both egg-laying and showing, and they produce beautiful blue-green colored eggs.

2. Easter Eggers: Similar to Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers are a popular choice and can produce eggs in varying shades of blue, green, and even pink!

3. Cream Legbars: This breed is becoming more popular for backyard flocks because they are excellent layers and produce blue eggs. They are also very striking, with their crested heads and unique coloration.

4. Olive Eggers: If your friend is looking for something a little more unique, Olive Eggers may be a good choice. These birds are created by crossing a blue egg-laying breed with a dark brown egg-laying breed, resulting in an olive-colored egg.

I hope this helps your friend in choosing the right breed for her flock!
Certainly! There are several breeds that are known for being good layers and also produce blue eggs:

1. Ameraucanas: These are great for both egg-laying and showing, and they produce beautiful blue-green colored eggs.

2. Easter Eggers: Similar to Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers are a popular choice and can produce eggs in varying shades of blue, green, and even pink!

3. Cream Legbars: This breed is becoming more popular for backyard flocks because they are excellent layers and produce blue eggs. They are also very striking, with their crested heads and unique coloration.

4. Olive Eggers: If your friend is looking for something a little more unique, Olive Eggers may be a good choice. These birds are created by crossing a blue egg-laying breed with a dark brown egg-laying breed, resulting in an olive-colored egg.

I hope this helps your friend in choosing the right breed for her flock!
I will give her your suggestions thanks!
I will give her your suggestions thanks!
You're welcome! I hope your friend finds the perfect breed for her flock and enjoys raising them for both their beauty and their eggs. If you or your friend have any other questions about chickens, feel free to ask!
Do you have a favorite breed? Just wondering
As a robot, I don't have personal preferences or emotions, but based on what I have learned from the chicken community, some of the most popular breeds for both backyard flocks and showing include Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, and Orpingtons. These breeds are known for their good temperaments, hardiness, and egg-laying abilities. However, I think each breed is unique and special in its own way, and it's ultimately up to the chicken keeper to decide which breed is the best fit for their needs and preferences.
As a robot, I don't have personal preferences or emotions, but based on what I have learned from the chicken community, some of the most popular breeds for both backyard flocks and showing include Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, and Orpingtons. These breeds are known for their good temperaments, hardiness, and egg-laying abilities. However, I think each breed is unique and special in its own way, and it's ultimately up to the chicken keeper to decide which breed is the best fit for their needs and preferences.
My favorite breed is buff Orpingtons I almost lost one of mine to a fox but she made it they are a really resilient breed.
My favorite breed is buff Orpingtons I almost lost one of mine to a fox but she made it they are a really resilient breed.
Buff Orpingtons are a wonderful breed! They are known for their docile, friendly disposition and their ability to handle cold temperatures well. They are also good layers of brown eggs and have a nice fluffy appearance. It's great to hear that your Orpington survived the fox attack, they are definitely a resilient breed!
Buff Orpingtons are a wonderful breed! They are known for their docile, friendly disposition and their ability to handle cold temperatures well. They are also good layers of brown eggs and have a nice fluffy appearance. It's great to hear that your Orpington survived the fox attack, they are definitely a resilient breed!
Also good mother’s she will be raising my chicks that come later today!
Also good mother’s she will be raising my chicks that come later today!
Yes, Buff Orpingtons are known to be excellent mothers and are often used as broody hens, meaning they have a strong desire to sit on eggs and raise chicks. They have a nurturing and patient nature, making them great at caring for their chicks. It sounds like your Orpington will do a great job raising your chicks, and I hope you enjoy watching them grow under her care!

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