Step away from the Taco Bell......


Graceland Farms
10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
Broodyland, TN
My Coop
My Coop
Can't a girl sit on the deck out back and eat her taco bell in peace?



Apparently not........

Last time I tried to sit out and drink a margarita.......I had a mottled cochin rooster for a best friend.


Nothing like getting close and personal. He was in my lap for a while too, LOL.


There is no peace in chicken land if you have food or something exciting. Sigh.
I have a gander who thinks he needs a bite of anything I have! Some people have velcro dogs. I have a velcro goose. And that first picture is just hysterical. I looooooove the look on her face.
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The first picture is saying to me Hey "MOM" whatcha eatin?........Can I get some of that pleezzzzzzzzzz...

Second one is saying to me "If you don't give up the Taco Bell I'm gonna peck the heck out of your ankles.....

Thrid and fourth are saying to me....(3rd) Hmm she has something in the glass I wonder if I could sneak over there and get some of it.........(4th) DANG!!! she moved the glass must get closer hmmm I will sit here beside her and when the time is right I will sit in her lap and snag what ever is in the glass...........

Sorry couldn't help it thought it was just to funny the way looked an' all in the pics.
There is nothing better in life than sitting on the porch sharing fast food & a stiff drink with friends! LOL! Sounds like summertime on Fridays at 5PM in my old neighborhood. All the wives would sit out on my neighbors porch, someone would go get hot wings & we would all pour a drink. Makes me wanna drive over there tonight!
My idea of heaven! A burrito, a Margarita, a nice setting and live entertainment!
TACO BELL?! WHERE'S MINE? just kidding, ain't it amazing how fast our feathered friends collect once you think you're gonna have a quick lunch?
Fun, how they expect you to drop something at least a chip ~ or twenty!
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If it's taco bell, I can understand their actions, entirely.

I have a velcro dog who not only like to try to eat everything I'm eating, she also likes to hover a quarter of an inch away from my face. Awkward! Luckily she's not a chook, or she'd have pecked my eyes out by now.

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