Still having soft shells....


10 Years
Feb 3, 2013
Okay, I have a 7 month old Barred Rock who started laying a couple months ago. She was laying about 35% of soft shelled eggs which is normal to have problems at first.

This week she laid a normal egg on Monday. Tuesday I got home from work and she seemed a little quiet. Upon further investigation she had what thought may be broken egg or diarrhea coming from her vent, she was drinking LOTS of water and she seemed to be in the position of trying to have a bowel movement. I got really worried but then she started scratching around with the other girls and eating however.....a bit before dusk when all the other girls were heading into the coop she was in the nest box that I have on my back porch. I thought, weird time of day for anyone to be laying an egg, so I let her be. When it started getting darker I went out and she jumped out of the nest box and there was an egg that had no shell what-so-ever, like one you would literally crack in a pan. Honestly I expected to find her dead in the morning.

Wednesday and Thursday she was normal but no egg.

Friday she laid one of her huge eggs! Yay all is great with the world.

Just cleaned out the coop and I found 2 soft shells and one with no soft shell but runny.....

WTF people? Any suggestions?

They are all eating Purina Layena Plus with Omega-3, have been since they were 17 weeks old. I hard boil a couple eggs every Saturday morning and they get the egg and the crushed up shell. I tried offering a small dish of calcium but no one touched it.....

I'm worried that one day she will egg bind, which would be a nightmare....This is my first flock of chickens and I'm at a loss of what to try next.
Sounds like she's releasing multiple ovum at a time which can cause problems. Maybe try not feeding the eggs. Some animals are given a feed boost before breeding to get them to release more eggs so possibly the feed boost is causing it. I'm just guessing though. :confused: Otherwise there's nothing you can do about it. Hopefully it straightens out eventually.
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She could have a shell gland disorder or just be "off" for now. I don't think giving them eggs has anything to do with it. Feed them well, maybe give them vitamins in their water once a week or so and don't worry about it. If she is eating, drinking, laying and pooing she's ok! ;)
It's frustrating, I know, BTDT, think I've told my story on your other soft egg threads.
Some birds are just 'lemons' I make, wait, chicken soup.

Thanks, found another soft shell this morning. I've never processed a chicken so chicken soup is out but if she holds out and doesn't die from being egg bound I may give her away next spring........
Thanks, found another soft shell this morning. I've never processed a chicken so chicken soup is out but if she holds out and doesn't die from being egg bound I may give her away next spring........
Yeah, I understand.
I actually didn't process my softie-layer but sent her of with a friends processing order, I only had 2 that had to go. I kind of wish I could have tho, to see what was what inside.

Yours may straighten out, egg binding is possible, but more likely is she will just keep messing the nests and other eggs(that was the most frustrating part for me).

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