Still new to raising ducks, have questions about my Pekin. Thanks

Ducks are doing great! They just got moved outside for their first night. My pekin is walking so much better, the b complex definitely seems to be helping.

I do have some questions about their behavior though. I used to be able to walk up to my pekin and he would gladly let me pet him and he would stay close. My Rouen has always been more skidish, not really letting me get close. Now when I walk up to them they both move away from me as if they are scared. Is this normal for ducks? Also is there anything I can do to change that?

Thanks in advance.
Very normal behavior. You can still have a close relationship by spending time out with them digging for worms, sitting and just being with them offering mealworms, eventually they will probably come and eat out of your hand but still may not want to be touched. I have a few I can pick up and cuddle but most of mine do not like to be handled. I respect that and will only handle if needed.

Great to hear your Pekin is doing so much better. The B complex is great stuff.
What Miss Lydia said! Treats make all the difference. My ducks know I'm the source of all good things - letting them out to free-range, bringing peas, kale, mealworms, or other goodies. Not that they get treats all the time, but at least once a day they get something. I also spend time just crouching in their run for 5 minutes or so once or twice a day, just being still, watching and talking to them. Sometimes they will approach me and nibble on something. I always try to be quiet and calm around them. They thrive on routine and are easily scared, so I take that into consideration. Ducks don't love being picked up, but if you spend enough time and offer treats, they won't mind you being close, and will probably feel comfortable getting close to you!

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