Still pecking


May 4, 2020
Hey again! I posted before about one of my Cinnamon Queens eating my roosters chest feathers. I thought maybe this was out of love but it is getting worse and worse. He has several that are just down to the quill and this morning had some bleeding. I put vicks on his chest per the hatchery suggestion. Tonight I will put some healing/clotting stuff on him. He is the only one she does this too and I can't figure out why. I can't think she is bored as they have toys, treats, things to climb on, etc and plenty of food, water and space. I don't know what to do and I am getting worried about my poor roo.
Hey again! I posted before about one of my Cinnamon Queens eating my roosters chest feathers. I thought maybe this was out of love but it is getting worse and worse. He has several that are just down to the quill and this morning had some bleeding. I put vicks on his chest per the hatchery suggestion. Tonight I will put some healing/clotting stuff on him. He is the only one she does this too and I can't figure out why. I can't think she is bored as they have toys, treats, things to climb on, etc and plenty of food, water and space. I don't know what to do and I am getting worried about my poor roo.
I would put her in chicken-time-out for a couple days, then watch her behavior when you put her back. If she starts again, I’d give her another time out.
Try some of the blu-cote healing ointment as it hides the redness from blood and scabs and discourages further pecking at the injury.
I would put her in a time out too.

More info always helps:
-your flock size(numbers, ages, genders),
-your coop(size in feet by feet with pics),
-and what and how exactly you are feeding,

might offer clues to if there is a solvable problem.
I have 13 ranging from 6ish-9 months. 12 girls and a guy. They have about 40 sq ft of space each (between in and out and they get let out at sunrise each day). They eat organic layer pellets and I have 5 feeders spaced out. Lots of treats, lots of things to play on. I put the blue stuff on him tonight and out Poppy out in the time out coop. The hatchery suggested someone with her so it doesn’t cause stress and worsen things so I put her with my fattest crankiest girl. When I got home tonight I saw she has now packed oart of Tanks chest bald
Also, this has only been a problem since late December. I’ve had Poppy (the picker) since October and Tank since the summer. Poppy started laying around the start of December
Hey again! I posted before about one of my Cinnamon Queens eating my roosters chest feathers. I thought maybe this was out of love but it is getting worse and worse. He has several that are just down to the quill and this morning had some bleeding. I put vicks on his chest per the hatchery suggestion. Tonight I will put some healing/clotting stuff on him. He is the only one she does this too and I can't figure out why. I can't think she is bored as they have toys, treats, things to climb on, etc and plenty of food, water and space. I don't know what to do and I am getting worried about my poor roo.

hey! Next time you catch her in the act I would suggest separating her for a day or two to re-program her thought process!

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