Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

I think that you should ask DA about letting someone that you trust go out immediately after hearing and at least take pictures of the animal.
Just read through the whole thing.

Hope you get Max back. A few of my dad's friends when through similar and ended up just taking the horse back.

I got a few friends around here who have no problem following the old horse thief laws. And this is plain horse theft by what I see... legally it may be extortion... but not to what we think. If we had the money we'd fly right up there and get your horse back now.
That is quite the accomplishment! I just read RoPo's updates.
Well, they decided to move the court date to Feb. 25 BECAUSE the judge had already heard the story from another person. He was afraid he would be unwilling to give unbiased judgment on the ownership hearing AND the criminal trial. So, he recused as well. The prosecuting called me to tell me that the judge who was going to do the case said "to keep going and how angry he was the original judge had recused when she had no right to do it. He also told me that if he had taken the case, he would have already given the horse back "because it was an open and shut case. You don't even need a brain to figure it out."

The second judge has given me more hope. The DA is contacting the new judge to see when an approximate date will be so that I can pick up Max and suggested it be later in the day or the day after. He's also seeing if he can have a court ordered welfare check done (with photos).
Oh, good grief!

As anxious as I am for this to be over with and Max to be home, you've got to be climbing the walls.
Praying that Judge #3 is has as much common sense as #2 does.

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