Storing Eggs


Crossing the Road
Jun 27, 2021
I see so many people on here who run out of eggs in the winter. Our girls just started laying. Next year we are adding a handful of chicks. We won’t be adding any more after that unless we lose some to illness or predators. How long do fresh, unwashed eggs last if refrigerated? I am thinking in the fall before molt, I’ll stop/slow giving away eggs & save as many as possible in the basement fridge. Will that work?
If you place a regular bulb and a "daylight" LED bulb in the coop for light at night on a timer, you can get eggs through the winter as well. They need 16 hours of full spectrum light in order to lay eggs as well as the extended hours of light since the daylight is shorter in the winter. Mine did well with the daylight LED bulbs.
It also depends on the breed and age of chicken you have. I have found that my chickens (I’ve had a bunch of different breeds- mostly dual purpose or egg layer types) will continue to lay throughout their first year fairly well with supplemental lighting but after their first winter subsequent winters will produce less eggs despite the added light.
Thank you everybody. I did get a few breeds that were winter hardy, in hopes their lack of summer production would give a few eggs in the winter. I don’t think I’ll put lights on for them so their bodies can rest if they need it. We will have 15 chickens after this coming order, and they are pets with benefits. So trying to keep them happy without going an extreme amount of time with zero eggs in the future. 😊 Thread has been super helpful.

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