Strange clumps at the bottom of wyandotte feathers around tail


9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
Hi, i was recently washing my white wyandotte, and noticed these strange clumps at the base of the feathers.

Are they normal? If they aren't, is there a cure?

Thanks in advance!

lice for sure. Get some pyrethrum (all natural made from chrysanthemum flowers) you can get it at most feed stores and garden stores. Put in a spray bottle mixed with the amount of water the label tells you. It's about the only product that will kill the lice and eggs on contact. Really saturate the egg clusters. Repeat in about 7 days just in case you missed a few. There is not need to have a egg with drawl period with this product. It's so safe that if you use it in the garden it can be used up until harvest.
Yes you can, just follow the water ratio for the size container you're using. Be VERY careful and don't allow the chicken to dunk its head!!! For this reason I've always opted for the spray method. Spray the vent area, behind their neck and under wings and you're done. They won't be soaked like a dip and the pyrethrum is residual so any lice or mites moving around their body will get into it and DIE. It's great stuff.
I hope your hen is free of mites or lice now.
Just wondering, we are pretty new to raising chickens. Is it necessary to wash your chickens? I never have, but they also don't seem to need it.

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