Strange question - can I save the shells?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
Ok, this is obviously a newbie question, but we have approx. 50 chickens that are 18 weeks old that started laying about a week ago. Most of the eggs have been small, but they are getting bigger.

We now have a bakers dozen and I want to save the shells from our first eggs. Is there a way to eat/use the eggs, but be able to save the shells and display them in a little basket?

I know this is really weird, but they are so pretty. I didn't search the site as I don't have any idea what this would be called, except weird owner syndrome!!

Any ideas? Suggestions? THANKS!!!
How about blowing them out? Just poke a hole on each end, and blow into one hole with the egg over a bowl, and the innards come out of the other hole and into the bowl. Haven't you done that for craft projects, easter eggs, etc.?
Nope, never done that before. How big do the holes have to be to get everything out? Then do they need to be rinsed out or just let the remaining part dry out? I don't want them to stink. I think they will be beautiful in a little basket.

THANKS for the suggestion - now I just have to figure out how to do it.

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