

12 Years
Mar 17, 2010
essexville, michigan
I planted strawberry seeds in my basement last august, and they have done quite well. I want to put them outside in a raised bed this year. I'm sure they will grow, but without going through a cold period, will they produce fruit this year, or shouldn't I expect any? thx.
I have never grown them from seed.
This is interesting and I hope you post the results.

I grow Fort Laramie strawberries that I bought bare root several years ago. They are a good choice for cold winters if yours fail for whatever reason.
If you started them last August they should Fruit this summer some depending on how well they establish outdoors. Not sure if you planted seeds from your own strawberries or if you bought seeds of a certain strain. Seeds from your own strawberries will not be identical to the original and will likely be variable. It is possible that some of them will be interesting enough to keep as a new cultivar that would be propagated from runners.
Lot of clay where my garden was, so after loosing everything to damp conditions I went to raised beds. Bought some bare root strawberrys last year and had one plant grow. That's when I decided to experiment with seeds. The last test after putting the seeds in the freezer for awhile worked and I now have a lot of strawberry plants growing. The seeds I used were from store bought berries.
Lot of clay where my garden was, so after loosing everything to damp conditions I went to raised beds. Bought some bare root strawberrys last year and had one plant grow. That's when I decided to experiment with seeds. The last test after putting the seeds in the freezer for awhile worked and I now have a lot of strawberry plants growing. The seeds I used were from store bought berries.

Interesting, now you have a fruit breeding project. The berries will be different from the store berries. Just observe them as they grow. Look for differences among the plants like leaf shape and size, growth habits and then when the berries arrive, how many berries do they produce and how big and sweet are they? The best selection becomes a new cultivar and you can name it anything you want!
I’ve grown strawberries from seed - they were alpine strawberry seeds. Whether you have bare roots , plants or seed started berries, the first year you should allow them to spend most energy into growing roots. So, pinch off all runners, and most of the flowers. You need to taste a few berries, of course, so leave a few flowers. It is the second year you should have a good level of production.

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