Stray cat killed my chick and I want revenge + another question

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that feeling when one of your babies die, and you're going through the what-ifs, and you feel like you're in a hurricane. I know that, it's horrible, and you just have to let it pass. What happens happens, and sometimes it really sucks, and we wish we could go back and fix everything, but we can't, that's life. Don't beat yourself up about what happened. If you had let your rooster out, he maybe would have died too.
Try catching that cat and taking it to a shelter, and it will feel a lot better then killing it. But if it's someone's pet, kindly tell the owner that their cat is killing your birds and sort sonething out with them. Buy a couple new chicks the same age as soniya and separate the bully chick.
I'm sorry for your loss :hugs
If you ever want to chat just PM me
Chickens that age are as attractive to cats as any bird . They simply can't be out of a protected area without supervision . Farrel cats usually don't bother adult chickens .

And we can look at this in another perspective . Most ferrel cats are excellent mousers protecting the wiring and computer operation of your car that may be outdoors . Those are expensive repairs .
You should call your therapist and let them know that you want to kill a cat for revenge. And you probably need more therapy than just once a month. Also, if you're supposed to be on meds then take them every day. And don't kill the cat for simply being itself. You wouldn't want anyone to kill you just for living your life would you?
We have a feral cat, who has lived around our house a few years. We have never fed or done anything to encourage this cat. We have had very few rats or mice in the last few years, where as before we had a rodent problem. The cat has never given our chickens any problems.
When we have new chicks it is through a broody hen, who has her own coop and run inside the the big coop and run. So a see no touch situation.
I am sure you understand how we normally handle new chicks with there Mom there as well.
This last time I had rescued a feral bantam hen.
she found her way under the house, so she was a completely unprotected. She made a nest and began stealing fertile eggs and storing them in the nest (we had NO idea). Then she disappeared, we looked all over, even under the house, over and over again. But never found her and gave up.
About 2 weeks ago, we found her under the house in a well hidden nest with 15 newly hatched chicks. There was also a large mouse/small rat recently killed not very far from the nest. Stay outside when you first let your chicks run the yard and always listen to your rooster. He is your best friend and most important flock keeper you will ever have.
:frow Welcome from New Orleans. I hope things get better for you.

You are absolutely right about roosters. I feel so horrible for putting him in time out. I feel like if I didn’t, he would’ve protected the chicks. He is super defensive about his flock. Even when I try to pick up my hen Zara he will peck the heavens out of my hands 😣

As to all the other replies I thank them for advice too. I still feel the horrible impaling shame and shock in the entire situation.

This might be a long paragraph, I’m trying so hard to explain how I’m feeling about the situation and why I feel it.

For certain people replying about keeping my babies safe outside , I am not in much control over what happens on the property I reside. When that cat got my Lulu, I expressed vigorous feelings of distraughtness, sadness and anger, I told my parents all about it and to this day they still don’t believe that the cat did it.

She ate half of Lulu’s body, and now she had ran off into a locked off field with Fiona’s body when I tried to put her down for a bit to take time to experience the shock it put onto me. I will never see Fiona again. Its all my fault.
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I don’t know what to do anymore..
Having lost a few loved chicks to cats I can say I understand the way you feel a little bit.
I am usually mad at myself not the cat. Mad at myself because I couldn't protect my chicks. I left them unattended, unprotected even for a few seconds. I feel guilty. Do you feel guilty? If so stop blaming yourself, go set up a protected area for your chicks and have more chicks. Having chicks is worth hours of theraphy for me.
I hope you are working on acceptance.
Accept: this is not your fault. It is a horrible part of life that just happens. It is nobody"s fault.
Accept: You are who you are, gender identity and all. Your gender identity is not your fault, it is just who you are'
Accept: You went though something painful today. It is normal to grieve and hurt. But not to lash out and hurt or destroy something else because of that pain.
Accept: You need to figure out how to get more therapy so you can work on issues.
Accept: that your parents may not know what to do or how to handle your situations. You say they ignore your "subtle" cries for help. Perhaps you need to sit them down and explain exactly what you are going through. Tell them what you need, tell them about your susicidal ideations, your need for their backing and unconditional love. We all need these things.
Accept: You are a person who deserves love
Let your therapists know all of these feelings and that you need your parents, as do anyone your age. :hugs
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Bad news everyone.. :(

View attachment 3073357

This (left) was my New Hampshire Red pullet, Fiona. She almost reached 5 weeks. I let her and my Buff Ameracauna chick, Soniya, out of their little chick coop outside, to play and run around a bit, I usually let them stay out until it starts getting dark. They’ve been free ranging outside since April 15. Like a week now. Today I made a grave damn mistake.

I locked up my rooster Zuko in the chicks tiny coop because he was being bad. I looked at him out the window about 10 minutes later, and he’s freaking out. I assumed it was because he wanted to get out. I look out the window and Fiona and Soniya are fine, playing and hopping around, and not even 30 minutes later I come outside and I find Fiona in a corner outside of the pen, dead as a doornail, next to the bastard female stray cat who killed my Lulu. I almost puke, picking up her lukewarm body and hugging it.

I realized that if I didn’t lock Zuko up, he would’ve protected them. So this really is my fault. I have all the time in the world to grieve and embrace my self-hatred, but instead my morbid mind only screams to take revenge. I seriously want to kill this cat. I won’t let her do anymore damage. The other cats always behave and generally avoid going into their pen because I used to have a heifer back there and they were scared of her, they still don’t go in there. Today she has passed the last straw.

Is it justifiable if I kill this cat? I have absolutely no remorse for her even if its her instinct as a cat. If someone kills or hurts my babies, they’re getting karma no matter what.

About the other question. The Buff Amercacauna chick, Soniya, I took her in and she is housed with my Buff Orpington, Rupi. Rupi is certainly jealous of Soniya when I show her affection, and often bullies her. :( I feel so so bad for Soniya because Fiona was like her big sister who would always play with her, and she was looking so hard outside to find her, it shattered my heart. Soniya probably thinks Rupi is Fiona, and she’s confused on why she’s being so mean to her.

I want to know if I should put Soniya up for adoption, like on Craigslist, thats where I originally found her. I don’t want her to fall into the hands of a person who would treat her as some commodity object. As a vegan, it would absolutely break my heart if anyone hurt this precious baby. I want her to be safe and loved. I honestly don’t mind if whoever takes her only uses her eggs she will lay in the future, as long as she is being given the same amount of unconditional love I give her.

I really need some advice, I can’t take this anymore I feel like a tiger in a cage in my mind!!!!:hit

(I need serious therapy man.. The therapist I’m seeing now only talks to me once a MONTH. Like hello, I’m a mentally disturbed 15 year old who needs comfort and help!!! Gah!!!)
That is very sad and I’m so sorry. Don’t harm the cat, it is simply doing what cats do as an instinct. I like someone’s advice about maybe KINDLY taking it to a shelter or talking to it’s owner if you think it might have one. Now you’ve learned how your pullets are vulnerable, so forgive yourself and take the necessary security precautions, going forward, to protect your chicks. God gives us creatures to respect and care for and they help us along in this life so respect each animal for what it is bred to do, and protect accordingly.
Speaking of God, I am praying for you. What you experienced was traumatic but you are stating a deeper need for help. Here’s the answer - be proactive and immediately get the therapy you need to keep yourself safe. Also know that He is with you at all times. Take comfort in knowing that, and seek to glorify Him in all you do. If you truly do these things, you will not self loathe, but you will see yourself in His eyes. Take care.
You are absolutely right about roosters. I feel so horrible for putting him in time out. I feel like if I didn’t, he would’ve protected the chicks. He is super defensive about his flock. Even when I try to pick up my hen Zara he will peck the heavens out of my hands 😣

As to all the other replies I thank them for advice too. I still feel the horrible impaling shame and shock in the entire situation.

This might be a long paragraph, I’m trying so hard to explain how I’m feeling about the situation and why I feel it.

For certain people replying about keeping my babies safe outside , I am not in much control over what happens on the property I reside on as I am only 15, and have minor neurological/mental issues. When that cat got my Lulu, I expressed vigorous feelings of distraughtness, sadness and anger, I told my parents all about it and to this day they still don’t believe that the cat did it.

She ate half of Lulu’s body, and now she had ran off into a locked off field with Fiona’s body when I tried to put her down for a bit to take time to experience the shock it put onto me. I will never see Fiona again. Its all my fault.

My parents are slowly straying away from trying to acknowledge that I am not in a stable state of mind. They brush things off, ignore my subtle cries for help, and don’t take my severe gender identity issues seriously. I don’t get enough therapy. I address this alot in sessions, but nothing is done about it. Feelings of hopelessness and suicidal ideations are coming back into my life again, I feel like soon enough my mind will go back into a state of functioning horribly and needing help for almost everything I do. Im extremely sorry If any of this is irrelevant but I don’t know where else to even get this all out.
I don’t know what to do anymore..
Sorry to hear about your chicks, was this cat a feral or a neighbours cat? i dont think theres a law against catching and killing it if its on your land or you can give it to animal shelter. A fox trap works for them too i heard. The cat will probably be back cause its had taste of blood in that place. Idk what your going through mentally either apart from the animals but the schooling system and social media mentality messes with a lot of peoples heads in describing normal behaviour we live in a culture with seared morals and lying mouths full of pride. The old paths are better, i recommend you look into history true history. Youll see this society we live in in a different light
Bad news everyone.. :(

View attachment 3073357

This (left) was my New Hampshire Red pullet, Fiona. She almost reached 5 weeks. I let her and my Buff Ameracauna chick, Soniya, out of their little chick coop outside, to play and run around a bit, I usually let them stay out until it starts getting dark. They’ve been free ranging outside since April 15. Like a week now. Today I made a grave damn mistake.

I locked up my rooster Zuko in the chicks tiny coop because he was being bad. I looked at him out the window about 10 minutes later, and he’s freaking out. I assumed it was because he wanted to get out. I look out the window and Fiona and Soniya are fine, playing and hopping around, and not even 30 minutes later I come outside and I find Fiona in a corner outside of the pen, dead as a doornail, next to the bastard female stray cat who killed my Lulu. I almost puke, picking up her lukewarm body and hugging it.

I realized that if I didn’t lock Zuko up, he would’ve protected them. So this really is my fault. I have all the time in the world to grieve and embrace my self-hatred, but instead my morbid mind only screams to take revenge. I seriously want to kill this cat. I won’t let her do anymore damage. The other cats always behave and generally avoid going into their pen because I used to have a heifer back there and they were scared of her, they still don’t go in there. Today she has passed the last straw.

Is it justifiable if I kill this cat? I have absolutely no remorse for her even if its her instinct as a cat. If someone kills or hurts my babies, they’re getting karma no matter what.

About the other question. The Buff Amercacauna chick, Soniya, I took her in and she is housed with my Buff Orpington, Rupi. Rupi is certainly jealous of Soniya when I show her affection, and often bullies her. :( I feel so so bad for Soniya because Fiona was like her big sister who would always play with her, and she was looking so hard outside to find her, it shattered my heart. Soniya probably thinks Rupi is Fiona, and she’s confused on why she’s being so mean to her.

I want to know if I should put Soniya up for adoption, like on Craigslist, thats where I originally found her. I don’t want her to fall into the hands of a person who would treat her as some commodity object. As a vegan, it would absolutely break my heart if anyone hurt this precious baby. I want her to be safe and loved. I honestly don’t mind if whoever takes her only uses her eggs she will lay in the future, as long as she is being given the same amount of unconditional love I give her.

I really need some advice, I can’t take this anymore I feel like a tiger in a cage in my mind!!!!:hit
Sorry for your loss, (I know cat people aren't going to like this) but, at my house I use a .22 rifle, not a pistol, and CB Caps. they are just about as loud as a CO2 pellet gun, it works good on racoons, skunks, and real close range coyotes. And my apology if I offend anyone.

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