Stubborn Pasty Butt / GI Chick *PICS* Updated


Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
One of our chicks has been having a really stubborn Pasty Butt (or something) problem since the weather got so hot. We have tried the commonly suggested treatments here to only slight improvement. Yesterday it was looking a lot better and I saw it pass a normal poop.
Then today (quite late this afternoon), I was stunned to see the vent was suddenly VERY swollen looking and the chick was in distress trying to poop.

Background: Chick is 5 weeks old and one of 40 we have on our covered back porch. The others seem okay although we've had some really watery poops on the hottest days. They get a fan on about 10am when the temp gets up around 85. Average high has been about 95.
They are only fed Chick Starter. I don't feed treats.
From the start, I put Corid in their water at the prevention dose because their feed is unmedicated. Also small amounts of Probios probiotic in the water as a standard just-in-case.

Treatment History: First day we bathed the chick in warm water & dawn because the poo was really stuck on and I didn't want to rub too hard. It was hot enough to dry quickly. We used coconut oil outside/around the vent and fed it to all of them mixed in a wet mash of their starter feed.
The next day we repeated the procedure because the chick was messy and crusty again.
The following day they all had watery poo because it was extremely hot. None of them got messy except Pasty chick, who had a steady drippy run of poo/urates running down its abdomen and almost no down left in the region. That's when I read here that the urates can burn their skin.
So, I cleaned it gently and put on Vaseline over all the exposed skin as a barrier. The Coconut oil seemed to not stick on for long enough so I gave up on using that.
We fed them a cooked rice recipe recommended here, mixed with starter to help firm up the poo. It seemed to help. The day after (yesterday) the Pasty chick looked a lot better and pooped a normal texture although it was still complaining when it went.
Cut to this evening when I noticed all that swelling. It looks on the verge of prolapse. Very active, eating and drinking. But also constantly grooming its bulging backside so that it now has no fluff left back there. No mess on its bottom, the outside was clean.
Without any further recommended treatments and in a bit of desperation before it got dark, I tried to get the chick to drink some Milk of Magnesia. It stubbornly refused and even with my mom helping we couldn't get any in the chick and feared forcing it might lead to aspiration.

So, then I borrowed some of my mom's prescription steroid ointment (clobetasol propionate) thinking it might help reduce the swelling a bit, and plastered that all over its hiney. I only tried these things because I have read that most human and pet meds are safe enough for chickens with caution on the dosing. And because I'm at my wits end.
While I was handling the chick it got some poo on me which smells really foul. Very very stinky.
So, I thought I would come check with you guys if you have any ideas what might be going on.
Could it be a fungus or bacteria at the root of this?

When I say brooder, you may think the space is small, but it's actually 2 secure "runs" taking up a third of our big porch, with "coops" which are more typical 2x4 brooder size for sleeping. 20 chicks in each. We went a bit ambitious with it all because an owl was haunting our porch with the last batch, and I plan to incubate often for upcoming breeding projects.
They're not in the coop yet at 5 weeks because one side is still quite small (Genetic Hackle) and we are still rearranging fences and whatnot to maintain separate groups.
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Im no super expert yet, it didnt have this problem until the weather changed? how long has this been going on if its 5 weeks? its out of the broder on your porch? when was the transfer? I had 2 birds i had pasty butt on for 3 weeks in my first batch. I wiped them a couple times a day and just added electrolyte save a chick stuff to the water. I know stress adds to pasty butt, which i why i ask when they were transferred onto the porch.
Im no super expert yet, it didnt have this problem until the weather changed? how long has this been going on if its 5 weeks? its out of the broder on your porch? when was the transfer?

It only started when the weather got really hot, it was 97 almost all day one day and that's when the problem began. 95 is the high most days.

Its been 5-6 days since the problem began.

They've been on my porch the whole time and not moved, I put a note about what I meant by "Brooder" in a spoiler at the end of the post.
It only started when the weather got really hot, it was 97 almost all day one day and that's when the problem began. 95 is the high most days.

Its been 5-6 days since the problem began.

They've been on my porch the whole time and not moved, I put a note about what I meant by "Brooder" in a spoiler at the end of the post.
i see the spoiler now. lol. I hope it clears up soon or the pics can help once u get the up for @Wyorp Rock
I'm sorry it took all day because this chick successfully evaded my attempts to catch it. I would actually call it overactive, an out of the ordinary amount. It was constantly eating and drinking and running. 3/4 of the run I can reach into but it kept running where I couldn't and the others were up front mobbing me because they're really a friendly / curious breed.

Here are the pics I took before cleaning up so you can see how the poo is running and what it looks like. It smells so bad. The abdomen underneath is swollen which is new today. I tried to capture that in one picture. I was worried about putting pressure on it which is why I'm holding it so weird, plus it was bouncing around trying to escape.
I'm totally at a loss what to do.


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Do you have photos of the brooder?

It looks somewhat like vent gleet. Is her crop emptying overnight?

Quite young to be starting out with Gleet. Are you keeping water stationed cleaned and free of poop? Any feed getting moldy or wet?

I'd clean the vent with a mild diluted vinegar solution, then apply an anti-fungal cream (Miconazole, Clotrimazole) to the vent. Make sure the crop is emptying overnight.

See that the feed is not getting moldy, keep the water stations clean. I'd get some probiotics into her too.

Do the others have poor feather quality like this one?

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