Stunted Splash Barnevelder Roo (pricing maybe)


Mar 10, 2017
Westchester, NY
I have a pretty small 6 month old Splash male. We named him Shorty cause he was almost half the size of the rest of the brood for a long time and he was the last one to fully feather. Now he is a little bit bigger than my Cream Legbar pullet (same age). His brother of the same age is twice the size of him. Is this normal for the breed/sub-breed?
Also, we live in a town where poultry is illegal so we wanna try and stand under the radar. Fortunately, Shorty's crow is weird as in it's half the volume of his brother's crow and it's literally just one note (like a higher pitched cat's meow). But in the case where we are asked to get rid of him, what would he be worth? I know that he is somewhat valuable because he's a homozygous recessive of a rare breed and if you cross him with a normal barnevelder (standard gold) you will get guaranteed blue-laced offspring. Would him being a rooster make him more valuable in price since he can then fertilize many standard females for the offspring to be blue-laced or would it be detrimental?

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