Subscription issue


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Sparland IL
This morning when I went to my subscriptions they popped up then vanished to be replaced by no subscription activity . Still showed subscriptions and personal message in the normal spot . I now have to go to my profile to get them . This happened last year and it took several months to be corrected . I still have problems with a BYC online and not responding message when page can not be displayed . A ether net connection helped some as it does not time out as quick as the wireless router . Both problems seem to be on your end .
We haven't been able to reproduce this and haven't received any other reports.

If anybody else has had this happen and can help provide more details around what exactly happened, which browser and version you are using, etc. then hopefully we can find if there is a problem on our end.
What is wrong ? Keeps loading pages that I have left . I have to put cursor on a post and hold left click to read posts .
I'm not sure I understand, can you give more specific details on what you're doing and what's happening? Also, which browser and version are you using?

Using FireFox . When I get on a thread it will take me back to whatever page I was on . Would not stay long enough to read . The circle would keep spinning . Sometimes I could left click and hold the click until it stopped spinning . Came and went all day . Not doing it now .
Switched to google chrome . The circle in upper left stays busy and lower left keeps changing the waiting for ads message . I quit using explorer and went to FireFox to get away from waiting for ads to load . Now the ads are causing problems on FireFox . So is it a matter of time until the ads cause problems on Chrome ?
I'm having problems with browsing this site. Started a few days ago. Tried to view posts in a thread through my email link. It took me to the post, but when I hit the previous pages to view posts I want to see, it takes me to the page, starts loading, then kicks me back to the page I was on. Everytime. Doesn't matter whether I want to go forward a page or back a page. This seems to be happening on any thread. I've used the page buttons, the next button, tried to stop page loading mid way through, etc. I closed my email and opened website in browser. Nothing works. Now this was with Firefox which I switched to several months ago after several web browsing problems with IE with this site and others. I am having no problems at all with other sites.
So, I am now using my old version of IE(9) to view this site (still works slow and hard to respond to posts when using it) and report this problem. Hope you can figure out what is going on as my browsing experience using Firefox is so much better everywhere than IE.
Thanks for the feedback. We're looking into these problems and trying to find what could be causing them for some of our members and not others.

As you see problems, please make sure to tell us which browser and version you're using. Also, try deleting your cache / browser history of files and see if that helps.
post #6073 of 6073
2/25/16 at 10:07am

  • jerryse
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I will share my journey of getting this site to work better . I did a golden feather membership . That helped some . Still was having scrolling problems and typing lag . Started getting a message that shockwave flash plug in was not responding or sometimes it said crashed . So I googled it . Made by adobe . I found out how to turn it off in my laptop . Then I have been using chrome for this site . I noticed a page with the corner turned down before the address for this site . On chrome only . So I clicked on it . Told me how many cookies from this site 36 and like 356 from other sites . I was able to block or turn these off from other sites . So now it seems to be working good . I have 3 browsers now due to chasing these problems . I went from explorer to firefox then to chrome . No problems on other sites but for me chrome is working the best .Firefox I can auto delete browser history but chrome only found incognito mode . In that this site did not recognize me and I had to sign each visit . So I got out of that .
I got a tip about add blocker plus . I tried it and like it . All issues with this site have stopped . I can now use FireFox again with this site . No long running script message , no scrolling issue and no typing lag . No quirk of going back to a previous page on its own . So it seems adds from other sites were my main problem .

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