Sudden Breathing Problem!


9 Years
Jul 16, 2014
Norman, OK, USA
I went out of town for 4 days and got back a few hours ago. Husband was caring for the flock. Temps have been mid- high 90s, but down to 88 today. 80° F when I discovered the following:
As soon as I got home tonight, I let the flock out to forage for a bit while i replenished feed. Green Legs, a 1-yr-old hen, was out walking around too, but I didn't see her close up.

20 minutes later, most had gone up to roost, but Green Legs was outside the roost door standing still. She's normally high strung, very animated, inquisitive, and fast moving. Her chest looked puffed out so I checked her crop - it didn't feel abnormally large for roost time. She Never lets me touch her without trying to run away = Red Flag. I even picked her up with no problem - bad sign.

I ran her into the garage. Breathing open-mouthed. She even let me open her beak without resisting, but I didn't have my phone to take a photo. Looked like some saliva in mouth & near airway, and her tongue is also not red/pink, but more a dull White!! (I don't know her normal color, but I know another two of my chickens' are pink or red.)

Eyes were not draining, and neither were her nares. But I could hear her breathing - a hollow tube sound.
I tried to upload a video a couple hours ago but the file "doesn't have an allowed extension" - I'm trying to figure out how to solve this. 🥺

30 minutes later, i checked on her in the dark garage (in dog cage), and she had gotten back to normal in terms of resisting being picked up, trying to get away while I tried to look at her. But now she's breathing fast (panting), And now it's moist under both nares!

Everyone else (8 others): breathing fine.

Any ideas?? I'm going to keep trying to get the video uploaded.
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I went out of town for 4 days and got back a few hours ago. Husband was caring for the flock. Temps have been mid- high 90s, but down to 88 today. 80° F when I discovered the following:
As soon as I got home tonight, I let the flock out to forage for a bit while i replenished feed. Green Legs, a 1-yr-old hen, was out walking around too, but I didn't see her close up.

20 minutes later, most had gone up to roost, but Green Legs was outside the roost door standing still. She's normally high strung, very animated, inquisitive, and fast moving. Her chest looked puffed out so I checked her crop - it didn't feel abnormally large for roost time. She Never lets me touch her without trying to run away = Red Flag. I even picked her up with no problem - bad sign.

I ran her into the garage. Breathing open-mouthed. She even let me open her beak without resisting, but I didn't have my phone to take a photo. Looked like some saliva in mouth & near airway, and her tongue is also not red/pink, but more a dull White!! (I don't know her normal color, but I know another two of my chickens' are pink or red.)

Eyes were not draining, and neither were her nares. But I could hear her breathing - a hollow tube sound.
I tried to upload a video a couple hours ago but the file "doesn't have an allowed extension" - I'm trying to figure out how to solve this. 🥺
30 minutes later, i checked on her in the dark garage (in dog cage), and she had gotten back to normal in terms of resisting being picked up, trying to get away while I tried to look at her. But now she's breathing fast (panting), And now it's moist under both nares!

Everyone else (8 others): breathing fine.

Any ideas?? I'm going to keep trying to get the video uploaded.
Hi, i’m really sorry to hear about your hen, you are uploading it to a site such as youtube first before applying it here, correct? If not, it won’t unfortunately work. You need to upload it to a place such as youtube, and if you wish it to not be public you can set it to “link only” to where only people with the link can view. Copy the link and paste it here so we can get a better understanding whats going on. Close ups and photos of inside of mouth may also help
Thank you for that information! I'll try again in the morning.
I just checked on GL again (about 1 hr later- 2 a.m.) & she's sleeping restfully in the dark garage cage, close-beaked, no moisture under nares or on beak anymore... and I don't hear any breathing sounds.
I'll post an update in the morning, along with video of earlier symptoms just in case.

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