
5 Years
May 29, 2019
My 3 y/o EE developed a sudden, severe limp from her right leg. She can still use that leg to scratch at the ground and her head and can stand on both legs but when taking steps cannot put her weight on it, so she has an exaggerated drunken sailor walk where her right side nearly touches the ground every other step. She's still trying to keep up with the others, roosts, eats/drinks, dust bathes, poops well and is laying. In some way her limp resembles that of my cat when he had a luxating patella--not seemingly I'm pain just walking weird like something slipped out of place.

Any ideas? She's my best friend and I'm very worried.
No good advice from me to help your girl, I'm afraid.

I had something similar with my Buff Orp and a Salmon Faverolles. Vet said she couldn't find breaks, cuts or bumbles, and gave them both anti-inflammatories. The SF recovered completely, while the Buff still walks by lifting one foot overly high -- like a Tennessee Walking Horse, but only one leg.

I suspected mine might have been injured getting out of their new coop and quickly installed a wide ramp.

Hope your girl gets better!
No good advice from me to help your girl, I'm afraid.

I had something similar with my Buff Orp and a Salmon Faverolles. Vet said she couldn't find breaks, cuts or bumbles, and gave them both anti-inflammatories. The SF recovered completely, while the Buff still walks by lifting one foot overly high -- like a Tennessee Walking Horse, but only one leg.

I suspected mine might have been injured getting out of their new coop and quickly installed a wide ramp.

Hope your girl gets better!
Hi, thank you for sharing your experience. Did you end up separating them in a small crate to rest and stay off their legs? I tried doing that for a day but my EE is so boisterous and wants to be with my flock it was stressing her out to be separated. But I suppose I'll do that if it's in her best interest.
I didn't separate mine for the same reason you mentioned -- I thought being away from the other two girls in their coop (including Camille, Celeste's SF "sister") would have stressed them out too much.

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