Suddenly laying in run


Over egg-sposed
Premium Feather Member
Jul 29, 2023
Florida Panhandle
Our gal, Sweetie, just had her debut in the egg-laying world this week. She surprised us by using the egg box for her first two eggs like a pro.

However, today, we stumbled upon her third egg, but it was in the run and in a sorry state - cracked open and devoured completely. The eggshell was still firm, so it's unlikely to be a calcium issue. Plus, we always keep oyster shell available for them.

I'm baffled by why Sweetie suddenly switched to laying in the run instead of her designated spot. And now that they've had a taste of eggs, I'm worried the others might follow suit in egg eating. Currently, she is the only egg layer, so I want to break this fast.

We've checked out tips for curbing egg-eating, but most seem geared toward chickens that consistently lay in nest boxes. We have those fake ceramic eggs in the nest boxes, which I think initially guided Sweetie there. But now, I'm stumped about how to get her back on track. Any ideas?
It happens.

The egg may been on the way and she didn't have time to get to the box. The box she's accustomed to was occupied.
It's not that uncommon to find a stray egg here and there with new layers or even veteran layers at times. Some hens just have to have a certain box and will try to wait, that egg doesn't always comply and she just pushes it on out wherever she is.

Eggs laid in the run can get trampled/cracked and then eaten. Eggs that get laid in boxes that get cracked may get eaten too.

For me, I've never had an issue of hens just eating the eggs IF they were "whole" and not damaged. If damaged somehow, fair game. But some folks do report having problems with egg eating.

I wouldn't stress to much about 1 stray egg in the run. See what happens over the course of the next few weeks and just monitor the situation.
Do you think that someone could have started eating it in the nesting box, then brought it to the run? Mine have done that. You would see some evidence of a broken egg in the coop or box.

I have a whiting true blue that laid a couple of eggs in the run. And on the roost. And one time a soft shelled one out inside the fence. That was only a handful of times, and she lays in the box the rest of the time. It seems like the eggs surprise her and come out when she doesn't expect them. Maybe it won't happen again if the same is true for your hen.

Mine never tried to eat those first ones in the run, so I am surprised yours went at it so quickly. Maybe it was already broken somehow?
It happens.

The egg may been on the way and she didn't have time to get to the box. The box she's accustomed to was occupied.
It's not that uncommon to find a stray egg here and there with new layers or even veteran layers at times. Some hens just have to have a certain box and will try to wait, that egg doesn't always comply and she just pushes it on out wherever she is.

Eggs laid in the run can get trampled/cracked and then eaten. Eggs that get laid in boxes that get cracked may get eaten too.

For me, I've never had an issue of hens just eating the eggs IF they were "whole" and not damaged. If damaged somehow, fair game. But some folks do report having problems with egg eating.

I wouldn't stress to much about 1 stray egg in the run. See what happens over the course of the next few weeks and just monitor the situation.
She is currently the only layer we have. We have two more that should be laying any day now, but not as of yet. So, I don't think the next box she laid in was occupied. She did just start laying. I'm not sure when she laid this one. But it wasn't there last night. The egg was whole except a small hole on the side - and it was dry inside.

@Saveria a There was no yolk on the ground, but the egg was laid in the dust bath. I will look again for evidence. I will also check the coop. The shell was mostly complete - and just had a whole pecked out. I didn't see any yolk when I looked for eggs this morning but wasn't looking for it
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That sounds more like a predator, chickens aren't that neat about things. But what could suck the contents out of an egg?
It was deep enough for a chicken head. No predators that I can see accessed the run. I I'm on the way to the coop to double check that now
That is an interesting chicken if that was whodunit. Mine literally throw the thing all around making a huge mess in the process.
That is an interesting chicken if that was whodunit. Mine literally throw the thing all around making a huge mess in the process.
I put a fake egg in the run and two of them went straight for it. I'm hoping they get it out of their system

I won't leave it here because I don't want them to think this is where you are supposed to lay an egg

There is no sign of an egg breakage and the nest box and I'm sure that would have left a mess. I can also find no holes anywhere around the run. It is covered in one quarter inch mesh that goes 1 ft into the grounds. That also includes a 16 gauge predator apron that extends one foot from the run. And it's a completely covered run so nothing can come in through the top either. I see no signs that it has been breached


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Hmm... Maybe try switching to a feed that is higher in protein? You can also try roll-away or curtains on the nest boxes if it continues to be a problem.

You have the neatest chickens in the world. Or mine are just scrappy, slobs. 😄
Hmm... Maybe try switching to a feed that is higher in protein? You can also try roll-away or curtains on the nest boxes if it continues to be a problem.

You have the neatest chickens in the world. Or mine are just scrappy, slobs. 😄
Lol! Idk. They make quite a mess most of the time. Is it possible for a hen to lay a shell with no egg stuff? It was a strong shell and tough membrane. No innards. The hole was the size of a quarter

They are on a 20% all flock right now. They rarely get treats - except for soldier fly larvae a couple of times a week - and only a couple of tbs per bird.

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