Sugar water for baby chicks?


Nov 23, 2017
Hello all,
I've heard of people putting sugar in their chicks water... I was just wondering what the reason is they do it and how it benefits the chicks? Thank you all in advance!
I've not heard of sugar. I have heard of (and used) electrolytes, which contain salt to help the chick absorb water, baking soda to help settle the chick's stomach, and sugar for energy and to tempt them to drink it. Corn syrup or honey is generally used instead of sugar, I believe.

Electrolytes should not be used for a long time, since salt really isn't good for chickens, but they do work as a good, short-term fix.
A VERY SMALL amount of sugar, pinch of salt and a pinch of plain salt substitute (Potassium Chloride) ina quart of water for just hatched chicks. Serves as an electrolyte solution. The sugar gives them an energy boost. Just a one day thing when they move from the incubator to the brooder.
It's only to get them interested in drinking their water. I just give sugar water in small amounts in a fish food lid after a chick has hatched out or in a wet feed mix to boost their energy and get them interested in eating.
It’s not really putting sugar in their chicks’ water. It’s just for stressed chicks or chicks who are a bit too weak to eat. A little bit of sugar in a teaspoon of sugar, then carefully fed to just the chick(s) that need it via an eye dropper. It gives them a quick boost that might just help them over the hump. Actually for this I much prefer Poultry Nutrition-drench, which is specially formulated to bypass the chick’s digestive system and it’s much more effective because it’s formulated for just that purpose.

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