Suggestions and critiques


9 Years
Feb 26, 2015
South Alabama
Decided to become a chick family. Read a bunch and tried to go about this right and am looking for suggestions. I built this brooder because 1) I love to build and 2) I want to do this more and wanted a good spot to raise chicks. Designed this and wanted to access chicks from side to prevent scaring them. and sitting on a stool and tending them is more comfortable then bent over or sitting on ground cleaning. Bottom is hardware cloth and a slide out tray for ease of cleaning. What do you see that is good, bad, needs to be thought about, whatever? Thought the wire would help keep things cleaner and less dusty but not sure if that is the right route now. Any help welcome.


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Use a garden version of hardware cloth it's coated in plastic resin. Will be easier on the chick feet.

The plain hardware cloth can cut there tender feet.

Also use a small plywood board so they can get off the HC when the need too.
I personally wouldn't use wire. It can be hard on feet.

Chicks will probably outgrow that quickly. Generally by 2 weeks they room to run and flap. For smaller batches it would be okay for a little longer.
Thank you for the feedback. It is 1/4" not 1/2" hardware cloth if thats any better. Suppose I should just add pine shavings to protect their feet?

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