Summer Bod Boot Camp

Any goals in particular?

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Hubby and I have been working out on our elliptical since December 8th. He's missed 3 days when he was out of town, and I have not missed a day. That is 116 days. I say that not to brag, but to remind myself that if I skip a day, it'll be 116 days before I can say that again. If I missed today, that would be almost the end of July!
I wish I had gym access. But I also feel like I'd be too self conscious around gym rats😂

I'm mostly grain free myself, except for rice and some corn, they're pretty non inflammatory for me and low in lectins. Plus eliminating them is really hard when you need convenient meals.
Everyone there is just sweating like a pig and doesn’t care about you at all. I know that when I’m going for a squat PR all I’m thinking about is praying I don’t meet my maker at the bottom. :lol:

I still have small amounts of rice in my diet but it’s less than 30g per day & I use it to make my ground beef palatable. Unfortunately I can’t tolerate a lot of vegetables so those are out. On the upside, since I cut the veggies out my chronic stomach pain disappeared.
I wish I had gym access. But I also feel like I'd be too self conscious around gym rats😂
I I can just imagine all the regulars thinking how incompetent and out of shape I am. But I don't like gym equipment anyway, preferring to run on pavement (you're actually going somewhere) and other objects around my home will do for weights.
Everyone there is just sweating like a pig and doesn’t care about you at all. I know that when I’m going for a squat PR all I’m thinking about is praying I don’t meet my maker at the bottom. :lol:
Maybe I'll have to find a gym when I'm moved😄

I still have small amounts of rice in my diet but it’s less than 30g per day & I use it to make my ground beef palatable. Unfortunately I can’t tolerate a lot of vegetables so those are out. On the upside, since I cut the veggies out my chronic stomach pain disappeared.
Have you looked into the gaps diet or something similar? I used to react to gluten almost immediately after eating it, my stomach would hurt, my joints would ache, and my face broke out really bad, but since being gf and keto for years I can eat gluten (not regularly) and not react at all, I don't even bloat. I think I accidentally healed my gut😂
I do struggle with a lot of vegetables still tho, like broccoli could have me screaming.
I I can just imagine all the regulars thinking how incompetent and out of shape I am. But I don't like gym equipment anyway, preferring to run on pavement (you're actually going somewhere) and other objects around my home will do for weights.
Same, except with walking more because I keep twisting my ankle when I run and our road is really steep hills.
I I can just imagine all the regulars thinking how incompetent and out of shape I am.
That's immediately where my brain goes, but I think a lot of them actually notice when you stay consistent and they're the most likely to compliment you when you first start seeing results.
But I don't like gym equipment anyway, preferring to run on pavement (you're actually going somewhere) and other objects around my home will do for weights.
I like working with my own body weight and even a couple dumbbells, but I would like to start lifting which requires a whole set up, and I'll probably start in a gym with a trainer in case of any accidents.
I I can just imagine all the regulars thinking how incompetent and out of shape I am. But I don't like gym equipment anyway, preferring to run on pavement (you're actually going somewhere) and other objects around my home will do for weights.
The main reason I prefer gyms is so I can safely perform compound lifts that focus on moving the most amount of weight physically possible. I don't enjoy isolation moves as much.
Maybe I'll have to find a gym when I'm moved😄

Have you looked into the gaps diet or something similar? I used to react to gluten almost immediately after eating it, my stomach would hurt, my joints would ache, and my face broke out really bad, but since being gf and keto for years I can eat gluten (not regularly) and not react at all, I don't even bloat. I think I accidentally healed my gut😂
I do struggle with a lot of vegetables still tho, like broccoli could have me screaming.
I haven't heard of that but I'm vaguely following low FODMAP.
Got my cardio in today, Aslan escaped and I got to chase him around for a while.
Kick Back Falling GIF

He's a real pain in my rear. His recall is fine, I just called him in the house to see how quickly he'd respond and you'd think I had screamed dinner. Same thing when he's in the yard or on leash, but let him off leash and his nose is in charge now🙄
He's super smart so he knows when recall is technically "optional"

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