Summer Project

Unfortunately I won't be able to participate in this swap. I really wanted to do this, but there is just too much going on right now for be to be able to do another project. I will be watching and cheering you all on from the sidelines.
That is ok, just stay in touch and maybe when things slow down you can jump in.
So how are we all coming on our mini quilts? September 18th is the deadline for pictures to be in to me via my personal e-mail. So you the maker is a secret. You can enter more than one quilt if you like. If you don't or can't make a quilt using a new technique that is ok just sew up an awesome mini quilt.
Count me in please, things are now back to normal. Wedding (check), grand babies birthdays (check), son & new wife moved to the west coast (check) yep, I think that is it!
I've been working on a pattern I was thinking about for this swap. I just need to get to stash diving to figure out a color way and get started. In the mean time I am in a different swap and just finished a block for it. Here is a pic of that (this isn't the pattern I am working on for this one so don't get any ideas!!! lol )
Ok ladies remember the quilt police will not come check your quilt size so if it isn't quite the size stated in the instructions it will be ok

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