Summer Project


Just finished this very simple quilt for my niece/god-daughter's wedding tomorrow. Nothing like waiting till the last moment. She likes plain and simple, so I hope she likes this one. If not my one daughter has claimed it.
Last night hubby went fishin all night. So i hid away in my sewin room. The light colored one happened. And tonight after everyone left from sunday deenah he fell asleep in his recliner and another one happened. I am only makin four for a wee babe a woobie. So halfway there. Ths week is supposed to be rainy amd stormy so maybe i will get it done. That would be nice since i need get the quilt done by mod month for the shower. Eep. Lol!


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I have some very old blocks, if anyone could tell me, please. What block name for
each? Thank you. 6th


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Hello I have been Mia I have been so busy with work and around my house. I have started a necktie quilt as some of you know a woman in church lost her husband I'm at the point to put on the interfacing and I'm to the point of putting together the t-shirt quilt for my Dil. I am working on my project for our swap so I have been busy busy.

I just want to say love the blocks and quilts that have been posted.

On the antique blocks I recognize one the hexagon I believe would be called grandma's flower garden.
Thank you. The family I stay with is wonderful. The daughter brought these out and said she thought that the blocks were made by her grand and great-grand mother. Some are hand made and some on machine.
I have some very old blocks, if anyone could tell me, please. What block name for View attachment 1106464 each? Thank you. 6th

The crean diamonds with flowery almost looks like a magnolia pattern. Or a cheater cathedral window.

The hexis are a grandmothers flower garden.

Top one is some kind of pinwheel variation.

Orange and cream is a rolling stone block.

The orange and blue and yellow makes me think of a hunter star but that isnt it.

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