Sunday is Butcher day


9 Years
Jan 31, 2010
Haskell Oklahoma
Sunday is Butcher day!! I have 2 RIR hens that refuse to stay in the yard. I have clipped their wings about as short as I can go, I have locked them down to retrain them, I am done trying to keep them in. I let them out on Saturday morning after spending a week in a closed fence, and Sunday they were out again, I locked them down again and less then 2 hours after I let them out, over the fence they went. We have a very mean dog next door, and if they are going to be eaten, then I'm the one to do it.

I marked them with spray paint after the last time so I could identify them and make sure they were the same ones. I live in town and cannot have my chickens running loose.
my ducks are the same, build a fence and they fly higher!! Grrr yep it drives me mad too

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