Super Thick Vitelline?

Shalom Farm

6 Years
Nov 23, 2013
While I know all first time layers go through a their odd-shaped egg period, this is the first time I've seen a super thick Vitelline (Yolk membrane) in the egg. The eggs are slightly misshapen, a little elongated, but not bad. They are stored properly. They were fertile but gathered within hours of being laid. She appears very healthy. None of the other birds have it. Is this just one of those oopsies they have? All 3 of her eggs have this, I have 4 more in the fridge. In case it is not a just a oops, could there be something nutritionally wrong? The whites were very normal to very slightly thicker.
Only thing I remember reading about that. Most of the write ups deal with the problem of it being too weak. Maybe just an individual thing with your girl and being a young layer?
"It is not often that the vitelline membrane can be strengthened by the addition of something to the diet. In one instance, however, it has been reported that the strength of the vitelline membrane was increased when a variety of wheat, 'Florida 301', was used as a feed ingredient in the diet of laying hens. No reason was given for the improvement in the strength of the membrane in the presence of wheat."
yea, I agree. I hope it goes away soon as she is my only consistent layer right now. Its very thick, almost the thickness and consistency of cooked egg whites. The thickness somewhat permeates the yoke but it makes it hard to scramble with Vitelline scraps floating about. I'll crack the other eggs and maybe post pics. It is interesting nonetheless! Used the others in the dog's food, but she is 3 for 3 so far with this thick vitelline. Very interesting article too!

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