Supposed to be RIRs, but are striped. What are these day-olds?


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
I bought 12 hatching eggs from craigslist seller (5 green/blue and 7 brown). She said she had blue/green eggs from her Easter Egger hens and Brown eggs from her Rhode Island Red hens. There is only 1 rooster on the property - a RIR.

10 eggs hatched (3 green and 7 brown), but the chicks are not what I expected. 7 came from supposedly RIR eggs, but many of the chicks are striped. I'm not really dissappointed, but would like to know what they are. I contacted the seller and she has no clue - she bought the hens from someone who said they were RIRs and they are a solid reddish color.

Any ideas as to what the following chicks could be mixed with when both parents look like RIRs? I am correct, aren't I? They are not RIR chicks? The 2 dark ones are EEs - 1 of the other 8 is also and EE, but I can't figure out which one.



So you can see the eggs:


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Some EE's lay brown eggs. Maybe the seller didn't realize some of her EE's eggs were brown and assumed they belonged to the RIR.
I did not see the flock in person. I've got a photo of the parents that the seller gave me after I bought the eggs (see below). She has a few more hens that are not pictured. Three of these hens do look like RIRs to me, but the middle one looks different (welsummer or welsummer mix?). They do all have large straight combs - don't seem to be EEs, except for the obvious EEs. The rooster looks pure. She said the white hens are WLHs and lay white eggs (I didn't purchase any of her white eggs).

I forgot to mention - the 2 dark chicks that came from the colored eggs have typical fluffy cheeks and small, nonexistent combs, but the other 8 look to be clean-faced and even at this age, I can see their little straight combs.

Do pure RIR/Production Reds ever have striping on their bodies, even a little? A few of these are mostly red, but still have at least a stripe or spot on their head.

FYI: I'm not upset at the seller --- and she has relayed the info to me, just as it was relayed to her. These were very inexpensive eggs. I just wanted some eggs to put under my hens and have the experience of hatching again, but now would like to know what type or mix I have so I can determine which ones I may want to keep.


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