The chicken nurd

Apr 4, 2021
Hey everyone so here’s what happened
My birthday was a few days ago and my neighbor told me they had a surprise witch turned out to be ducks
she’s getting them from someone and dropping them off sometime between tomorrow and Wednesday
I already have most everything I need because I have 12 chickens and planed on getting ducks next spring
But I was wondering if anyone had any tips for integrating flocks or if I should quarantine the birds before letting them near my chickens (I’ve never integrated adult birds before) or feeding or anything else about keeping ducks with chickens (all I know about the ducks is that one is a 2 year old hen and that the other two are around 3 months idk breeds or genders on the younger ones)
Thanks in advance I’m excited but also kinda panicking
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Your not going to be able to bring home your new ducks and put them in the coop with your chickens. That is your chickens Domaine and the ducks will be outsiders and can be injured. You'll need to set up something safe for your ducks to where chickens and ducks can be side by side but not where they can mingle. Once your ducks have been with you for a while and are acclimated to their new home then you can begin letting them all forager together. That way the chickens don't feel they have to defend their turf. It takes time and patience but if you do it properly there shouldn't be too many problems. They can't work out.
Now if you have 1-2 drakes in the young ones then you'll have problems with over breeding your one female duck and the possibility of drakes going after your hens. So you'll more than likely have to add more females to your duck population.
Duck math is the same as chicken math. lol

Happy Birthday!

Please be sure to post some pics of your new ducks when they arrive.
All flock is great all around feed. Oyster shell for layers.
Quick update
My neighbor gave me the ducks yesterday she told me that 1 was a Rouen and the other 2 where Muscovys
I think that’s right but does anyone have any idea on genders


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