Surviving Minnesota!

As to the inquiry of Roland Doerr, he is well know in the fufu chicken world as a breeder and exhibitor of Cochins I believe. The other name written does ring a bell, but it now escapes me what he might breed and exhibit?

Ralph that little fairytale regarding Judy reminds me of the country song where the guy says his wife is leaving him this Saturday if he goes fishing again. It goes something like I'm going to miss her it will really hit me when I get home, oh I've got a bite.
As to the inquiry of Roland Doerr, he is well know in the fufu chicken world as a breeder and exhibitor of Cochins I believe.  The other name written does ring a bell, but it now escapes me what he might breed and exhibit?

Ralph that little fairytale regarding Judy reminds me of the country song where the guy says his wife is leaving him this Saturday if he goes fishing again.  It goes something like I'm going to miss her it will really hit me when I get home, oh I've got a bite.

They both breed LF cochins. I was looking for nearby breeders
Rick Klehr and his wife breed some AMAZING Cochins. He places im the Top 3 at alot of shows he goes to. He has amazimg stock. He is on the east side of the cities I believe.

Anyways. My Buckeyes are crowing!! I am going to get some pics of them tomorrow and if I get the chance will try and post them before July lol.

Anyways I will TTYAL!
Rick Klehr and his wife breed some AMAZING Cochins. He places im the Top 3 at alot of shows he goes to. He has amazimg stock. He is on the east side of the cities I believe.

Anyways. My Buckeyes are crowing!! I am going to get some pics of them tomorrow and if I get the chance will try and post them before July lol.

Anyways I will TTYAL!

Do you know of a way to contact him? I just read about him in some online article
I regret to inform you Judy and I are getting divorced. She does not know it yet. I had a secret stash of frozen Chocolate chip cookie dough ( made into ready to bake cookies)..

Those are my treat to myself. She is not suppose to even know they exist! I went to have one and the bag is gone~!

I found it in the trash. This kind of deceit cannot be allowed to stand. I am now having a cookie dough craving attack, and there is no dough. I made beef jerky this weekend. I just finished smoking and drying it this morning. I had it for lunch, it was so good I ate enough to almost get sick on it. I went to get a cookie for dessert and that is when I found what she had done........

I am going to miss her but, I have to hold tough on this kind of violation!

LOL that is so funny!

My DH was just saying to a friend of his tonight 'Becky will help me pull the ... I don't remember motor, engine, tranny..' I said I have no idea how to do that, but if you change my oil I'll bake you some cookies.

He has a huge sweet tooth and has bought cc cookie dough in the past. Always has junk food in the house!

If I threw out his sweets he would throw a holy fit but never divorce me over that- I don't think :/
Ralphie STOP! Judy did not know! She did not understand! Please talk to Judy and give her another chance. . . . .

I have cookie dough in my freezer. Sweet Martha's - they sell it at Coborns now. Come and get some. I will even bake the cookie but let Judy stay.
Judy is one-half of you Ralphie. She is the zip in your zipper. She is the perk in your coffee; the butter on your toast. You know how much your life
would change with out Judy.

Please Ralphie. Judy is WHY each of us reads your thread. It is your stories about Judy - Ralphie. Without Judy your threads are empty and
meaningless. Forget the chicken information. Its all about Judy.

Oh Ralphie - BTW - what is the benefit in testing my chickens. Remember folks - no question is a dumb question.
She confessed to finding and eating my cookie dough!

She has promised to never do it again, but I am not sure I can trust her.

The benefit is testing is :

Knowing your birds are clean

Being able to sell them at swaps and other places more that offer public sales

Your birds can be shown without testing or questions at shows or swaps.

You can sell eggs and birds interstate

I can buy your eggs and chickens and bring them into my flock with no hassle.

BTW Ivie why would you bake a cookie dough cookie and ruin it?
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Francis (the wood duckling) hadn't been doing to well for the last few hours...
She just passed away a few minutes ago.
And to be honest this is the saddest I've felt over a bird dying since my first rooster died....
Oh no, so sorry

The following is a text I got yesterday at 11:32 AM from Coffee night night is here way of saying freezer camp. She has had some problems with James being mean towards her.

Tonight was the big night for James he was going to go night night.. But he won himself his freedom today. I was sitting on the back porch and seen a hawk swooped down land on a hen and James ran and jumped on the back of the hawk and was Pecking and scratching at him and the hawk let go of the hen. The hawk was screaming and trying to turn over and it's wings were flapping and I was running towards them yelling and James let go and took off running for the hen towards the coop and the hawk took off.. Not a single scratch on James . He won't let me get by the girl to take a look at her.. I will look when things calm down..

A little later she send this picture:

And said Girl is fine just missing some feathers.

Must have been a busy night there this came about 9pm:

Was 4 raccoons now there are three..
yey james! way to go!

Sorry for the loss of your cookie dough ralphie! hate when that happens!
I have waited until well past 8am to post. I cannot wait any longer for you all to get out of bed...

Busy day yesterday, I build pens/runs.

I moved Ethel and her keets.

I found a guinea nest with a turkey egg topper. I am glad of this, I wanted a few more keets to hatch..

I am going to pick them tonight so I get another 8-9 eggs on the pile.

Oh and I forgot Blackie is having a rough molt, an early molt I know, but he has been living with 7 women so I assume it was either molt or suicide for him,,,,,

Dandelioness really made fun of hi when she saw him the other day. He was so hurt...

Oh and I forgot I grafted 2 BA chicks onto a turkey hen to break her broodiness.
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