Surviving Minnesota!

I missed a post that you are getting a USDA visit with sharps, pokes, and prodding. Poor birdies. Hussy Wild Turkey, indeed.

I want summer to be less busy. More easy and breezy. I think I'm doing it to myself.... Overbooked. Chickeneer friend coming over for a Cold Process Soap tutorial tonight after work. The work that pays the bills is nutso now too. Tis the season. Sorry if I have not participated as I should. I try to read every night though. Also not much going on.
One of our best hay fields... just a picture I took today while riding

Also please send thoughts and prayers to my grandpa, mom's dad who lives in SD, he was taken to the ER today for blood clotting in his lungs and one other thing.
I want rain!!!!

Layers, may your Grandpa have a speedy and full recovery...prayers...

Bobbi. Good job, I have ordered a day off for you as a reward to watch a gentle rain fall...

MnChickMom.. Good luck to you today. May they not find a pile of mouse poop in the wrong place....or anything else. Hopefully the Guineas will not decided today is a day to visit.

BC I think if you can get the DH to get another job and work overtime you could have more free time:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup.

I hope the results come back negative today. I have a bunch of little turkeys that hatched yesterday. I would had to have to destroy the babies. They are all Royal Palms. I picked the eggs from a common nests all the birds were using, but only RP's hatched.

If I get through this little hiccup, I am going to ask permission to vaccinate for MS and MG. There is a vaccine available, but it must have a side effect I cannot find, a person has to permission from the state Vet to use it. The worst they can say is no.

I sat with the teens last night. I have some nice looking birds coming up. (bragging here). I also have some weird looking birds. I have a Legbar/PC/EE pullet. She is so funny. She has a crest, a cushion comb and brightened colors. You can hardly see the legbar other than the comb...

I have photo bombs coming....I hope.

Heidi my house chick refused to come out and see me, she stood 20 feet back and stared a little then went under the topper/straw bales.
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