Surviving Minnesota!

Morning all! strong winds, some hail, power went off for about 1.5 hours last night, not much rain. we need more rain, my trees are getting stressed, leaves turning yellow and falling off, no good.

I am being lazy today, This heat is ridiculous so early in the morn.

I am headed to Runnings sometime today. I want to get some Corrid just in case. I also want to get some antibiotic for the turkey poult with the mumps. Not sure it is bacterial, but I would think if it was viral it would be gone by now.

I searched Runnings site last night for antibiotics, not much I can get there. Walmart did not have the stuff for goldfish the other day, so I think it is calf bolus crushed and shoved down it's throat or in water.

Not much else to do. I might let the broody with the babies out of the cage today. The babies are huge and fully feathered. She is laying eggs again. So I suppose it is time to let her go.

It will be nice to not get bit every time I walk by the cage. There has to be something wrong with a hen that bites you when it wants to be held. I might have to send her to the Chicken Cuddler of Hermantown to see if he can break the biting habit..
I'm giving my hen Cluck-Cluck amoxicillin. I got it from amazon, under the name "Fin Mox" you can also get it under "Fish mox" same thing people use. we are down to having to get meds online, we need to stock up, my guess is soon we won't even be able to get this!
Cluck-cluck is getting better, started eating again, dust bathed yesterday, sun bathed this morning... fingers crossed :fl walmart has the amox cheaper, but i needed it to get delivered faster. I'm think i'm going to order some from walmart though to keep on hand.

Just thought I'd share a photo from yesterday morning. That moment when you're in the middle of a field with 7000 other campers trying to leave at the same time ...while in the eye of a storm. Yikes!View attachment 1040446
Windstock? my friend was there as well, had quite a story to tell! ended with an awning getting ripped off of her cousins trailer. :eek:

hello everyone! Meet our newest flock member...hatched last evening. I heard the pipping when I closed them up for the night. I think she abandoned the other 3 eggs already because she took our little chick outside into the run this morning!! Holy smokes its little!! She is a VERY protective momma...when all the the others went into the run to see the new member she raised up her hackles and looked VERY ominous! Oh and BTW this is my Wyandotte that failed to produce a rose comb....hers is a normal one like the barred rocks??
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Let him know they will freeze his account if he sends them to spam...that's what they did to me! I am still getting them too!! it's aggravating!!
So cute! :love

Good morning all!!

Thanks! I have two pretty GLW's but the other has the rose comb. Wish they would hatch some of their own though. I can tell that neither of the GLW's are being bred because all my other hens are bald thanks to the Roo's but these two have all their feathers except the other one is missing some back feathers? Not sure if that is from the pecking order, the Roo's or maybe even something tried to grab her? But she doesn't seem to mind the slight draft on her behind LOL!

And now that silly broody with her single child refuses to go into the coop at night!!! She slept outside with the chick next to the coop door??? I tried for 20 minutes and suffered about a thousand mosquito bites trying to get her to go in? I was nervous all night listening for any kind of screeching or predators. My run is secure but if something REALLY wants to get at them, I was always a little more comfortable with them having to go through the run AND the coop walls if they wanted them that badly.
She is crazy protective and all the others seem REALLY curious about this chick (especially the other 11 chicken teens) so she is on guard constantly! I threw the other 3 eggs away. She never went back in and nobody else wanted to sit on them like they usually do...maybe she knew they were bad?

And of course now one of my original broodies is sitting on a nest *heavy sigh* what the heck am I gonna do with all these chicks if they continue to hatch them????

Oh boy, I do not envy you two teens driving!! at least I had a tiny break in between my two! GOOD LUCK!
I'd catch her and the little and throw them in the hen house... I'd win, lol
funny though, look at the reviews of the "fin mox" on amazon... people are using it for themselves! :eek: "my fish had a toothache" "my fish doesn't have insurance" but i'm saying if SHTF...
When Sylvia had Blackhead I got the Fishzole. (Which is flagyl) for protozoan infections. That's another one to be stocked up on if a person wants.

My birds are starting to taper on egg production. Which is a good thing - truly. I'm usually worming them before they molt during the heat of summer. But it might be higgledy piggledy with the young pullets being so productive. Their breaks may not be very long...? I'll figure it out...or do it this late fall when it's low light time and the numbers really drop. Sometimes I've had birds still growing in feathers at Christmas though. IDK...we'll find a moment im sure. May even look into the natural wormers too...Just to see what happens.
I have been looking at the fish stuff...
Also trying to figure out if injectable antibiotic can be given orally. I see lots of opinions on line but cannot find a 'good" reliable source one way or the other.

I am also going to be buying a bunch of calf boluses and stocking up on them. I am betting they can be smashed and forced down the throat or dissolved..

It tis a shame to have to resort to these methods to treat our birds. But it makes no sense to pay a vet $150 bucks to look at a sick bird, and get a prescription when the bird is worth 5 bucks....

Also most Vets would have no idea what they are looking at and just agree with whatever we said it was...If it doesn't meow or bark the vets around here are clueless.... Such a change from when I was a kid, the vets then handled everything..
I have been looking at the fish stuff...
Also trying to figure out if injectable antibiotic can be given orally. I see lots of opinions on line but cannot find a 'good" reliable source one way or the other.

I am also going to be buying a bunch of calf boluses and stocking up on them. I am betting they can be smashed and forced down the throat or dissolved..

It tis a shame to have to resort to these methods to treat our birds. But it makes no sense to pay a vet $150 bucks to look at a sick bird, and get a prescription when the bird is worth 5 bucks....

Also most Vets would have no idea what they are looking at and just agree with whatever we said it was...If it doesn't meow or bark the vets around here are clueless.... Such a change from when I was a kid, the vets then handled everything..
Have you asked Kathy? I trust her advice. She hasn't killed my birds yet. :lol:
When Sylvia had Blackhead I got the Fishzole. (Which is flagyl) for protozoan infections. That's another one to be stocked up on if a person wants.

My birds are starting to taper on egg production. Which is a good thing - truly. I'm usually worming them before they molt during the heat of summer. But it might be higgledy piggledy with the young pullets being so productive. Their breaks may not be very long...? I'll figure it out...or do it this late fall when it's low light time and the numbers really drop. Sometimes I've had birds still growing in feathers at Christmas though. IDK...we'll find a moment im sure. May even look into the natural wormers too...Just to see what happens.

Explain blackhead to me, please.
We had tornadoes?

Where which part of the state, I must have slept through them.
Lots of wind damage around here last night - trees down, several farmers lost bins and grain legs, power lines down in and around a couple of towns. A few funnels sighted. Fortunately no injuries. We had a deputy come down to camp to make sure we had all the kids and staff together and accounted for, and a couple of firemen came and rode out the storm with us. Damage all around, but Camp was unscathed.

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