Surviving Minnesota!

This is what I worked on today at an art group some friends and I do. My mom--she died three weeks ago from Alzheimer's--finally got to go home, unless she was already there. Anyway it's a long ways from being finished, but this is how I want to remember her.
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Sorry to hear that. .
Your picture is beautiful!
Cindy....that's amazing.
Thanks. :)
That is beautiful. Shows so much happiness.
Thanks. That's why I loved it. DD and I were looking through photos for the funeral. When I saw the one I'm using for this portrait I knew I'd never find a better one to paint.
Morning . Big chill coming for most of us . Friday morning here . Cold air from the north . Snow Wednesday afternoon as the cold hits the moist air from the south . 2-5 inches predicted . Looks like snow removal required .:(
This is what I worked on today at an art group some friends and I do. My mom--she died three weeks ago from Alzheimer's--finally got to go home, unless she was already there. Anyway it's a long ways from being finished, but this is how I want to remember her.
View attachment 2023525
You are quite talented, sorry for your loss:hugs
Lost my Dad a couple of years ago, I still don't know how to process it. I feel as you do though that I would rather remember the good things about him. I get his sense of humor and compassion from my mother. God rest his soul...
RIP Larry Harrell December 17, 2014

It takes time.

My Dad has been gone for nearly 13 years and I still miss him a lot.

Best to you both.. and BC
This is what I worked on today at an art group some friends and I do. My mom--she died three weeks ago from Alzheimer's--finally got to go home, unless she was already there. Anyway it's a long ways from being finished, but this is how I want to remember her.
View attachment 2023525
Cindy you are extremely gifted. How lovely your Momma was! The good times and the face of your memories, and the way she taught you, the roots for living a good life.

You are quite talented, sorry for your loss:hugs
Ted it's like a kid without a country. I get it. It's a game changer. My sympathy.
It takes time.

My Dad has been gone for nearly 13 years and I still miss him a lot.

Best to you both.. and BC
Thank you Ralphie.
I have watched a youtube video from a lady that says that the expectations of people to have you 'normalize' again is really their own issue. And that the event of losing somebody important is a part of who you are now. It was a helper this video. I'll post it for those that have lost important people.

She was actually quite funny. And her message super smart and valuable.
It's amazing to have so much love and support from an online community. I was hesitant to post this but DH is away and I was feeling a little lonely. Thank you all so much... we all have our sorrows but we also have one another. My love to you all in your own losses. Thanks for your loving support in mine. ❤️

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