Surviving Minnesota!

Congrats on the game, and I too am sorry for your loss.  Losing those you love and/or have great admiration for is never easy.  Honor him with remembering all he taught you.
This might make you scratch your head, how about Conrad over a Dark Cornish?  Surprisingly, when crossing Cornish in, you get some leggy birds sometimes.  The neck is long for a Buckeye, but I didn't think your Buck was really pure.  The Pea comb is dominant, so if you had either a Buckeye or Cornish in him, it would express the Pea.  The coloring is Dixie Rainbow.  I have found that the other patterns are pretty much subdued when crossing a Buckeye rooster over other hens, but I am sure that isn't the rule, just my experience.  I keep looking at his LOOONG neck.  LOL

I never thought about the Cornish as a source for the pea comb and that could make sense. You are right, the gold barring screams rainbow but the pea comb is what was throwing me. This cockerel is also smaller than his hatch mates so that could point to Cornish too.
Good morning everyone! Fall concert today for band, no volleyball practice cause of the concert.
One of my white Californians is going through molt like none other!

We are taking some of my extra roosters to a neighbors this weekend. I'm still confused on why he wants them cause he's not butchering them but hey I'm getting rid of them.
If you propped the door open sat there and appreciated the view you would spend more time in there.

I have actually considered making a outhouse out of extra steel from the pole barn project . Yard ornament with a dummy ( no not me ) sitting in there with the door open and visible from the road . Give the nosy people something else to talk about .
Here is that crazy barnyard mix i was talking about. God forbid if he would stand still! he wanted nothing to do with me sneaking up on him and when he runs his head reaaaally bobs which was funny. it also didnt help that me trying to sneak up on him made my pooch think i was inviting her for a game of chicken herding which made it that much harder lol...

anyways.... here he is. i am thinking he must be a Buckeye over a barred rock since he has a pea/rose comb. Conrad (my rainbow rooster) has a huge single comb and i dont think he is hiding a recessive rose comb (you genetics guys can chime in here, i forget what over rides what). The only other hens i have with a pea/rose is one of my silver laced hens. this guy is definitly barred.

so thoughts/

And one bonus picture of my chicken herder/chicken poo cleaner upper doing her self appointed duties...

That color pattern is known as creel or crele.
Genetic people out there. Depending on how my silver wyandottes feather out as they fully mature I will check their lacing but it doesn't look very promising compared to my golden laced. I know I can mix the colors and get some of each and even depending on the rooster used they can be sexed linked. But will it be able to improve my lacing on the silvers if I use good golden laced? I am hoping so.

Ralphie, being as you are raising Dominiques I pose this question. For color purposes in breeding choosing my hen it should be one of lighter color instead of my dark one. Because the barring is too thick on the darker one, right?

Ralphie you also mentioned you were disappointed in the Cuckoo Marans. In what way? I believe you mentioned you got them from Cackle. I also got all of our Aug babies from Cackle. I remember your straight run troubles. My Cuckoo Marans at least the cockerel is quite large. The biggest male of all the babies.

The golden laced has a lot of black peppering to achieve that color . You will then have the black peppering to contend with in the silvers . A second cross back to your original silvers should get you some usable breeders .

My two newest members of the flock, about 12 hours old

One of the Minneapolis VA turkeys.
Minnie - THANK YOU - I consider that a Huge compliment that you say we are alike in that we appreciate the gifts given to us by the wise, learned, older influences in our lives. They are true treasures.

About the bugs - yes, I believe that may be what they could be. Feather / Poultry mites. Today I will 'powder' each hen, rake the coop - again - and mix that DE in good. I shower each night (cuz I really only clean two small coops compared to what you do Minnie - piece of cake - there are only 22 birds and 6 are chicks) and wash my hair and throw my clothes into the washer at 160 degrees each and every night. The pillow case and blanket and p.j.s go in to the washer in the morning. I use tea tree oil on my skin for now and am taking a tab of Garlic each day.

Man! What we do to have chickens! I did LOL at it being a hygiene issue and to change your clothes once a week.

If the little bugs are red they may be northern fowl mites . These will hide off the birds in cracks and crevasses .
If the little bugs are red they may be northern fowl mites . These will hide off the birds in cracks and crevasses .

Jerry Mixing Sevin or poultry dust into the litter will control or kill them won't it?

The trade off being the birds live in Sevin. Otherwise they are near impossible to kill aren't they absent rotating living areas?

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