Surviving Minnesota!

Thanks BT!!! I just looked it up on the internet also. I will do this Sevin with the nylon in the evenings after they have gone to roost.

I will strip everything out of the coop and vac and paint and dust with the sevin - this week and into this weekend. Won't be going to Hutch

It is mites from everything I have seen on the internet.

I have on my armour and am ready to do battle.
Thanks BT!!! I just looked it up on the internet also. I will do this Sevin with the nylon in the evenings after they have gone to roost.

I will strip everything out of the coop and vac and paint and dust with the sevin - this week and into this weekend. Won't be going to Hutch

It is mites from everything I have seen on the internet.

I have on my armour and am ready to do battle.

You're welcome dear Ivie. I wish you luck.

Here's something that I will tell you. I have not painted the inside of my coop when I've had them. Because I've noted them in the middle of winter and painting wasn't going to happen. I have not got to doing it in more agreeable weather. So all of this can be done successfully without painting. BUT it makes sense and supposedly does help. And ....I just need to get my rear in gear. And the second time I got them...I was kicking myself about not painting. If I get them again...I'll be cussing myself out again.

If you do the Cattle Pour on...there is a dosage for using. I believe 5 drops for big birds. 2-3 drops for bantams. Put on the base of the tail (saddle), vent, under wings. It works like Frontline, if you will.
Oh look at my hen that was given to me a year ago.went she was given to me she was really thin and sickly.she was around 3 years old and not laying. Yeterday she lay the first egg she layed in a year. Today she layed another. Im so proud of how far she as come from bone at deaths door to now.dhe a Marans and she what made me want the breed.
I never thought about the Cornish as a source for the pea comb and that could make sense. You are right, the gold barring screams rainbow but the pea comb is what was throwing me. This cockerel is also smaller than his hatch mates so that could point to Cornish too.
It is funny how Cornish do start out smaller than other LF chicks, but they sure pass them up big time! However, I find my Buckeyes to be some of the bigger chicks, I don't often get any that aren't, and they start putting on heft right from week one.

Jerry, I love the idea of the metal outhouse with the dummy. The nosy neighbors should be entertained.
I saw a big, white pumpkin at HyVee the other day that looked like two butt cheeks. If you had one of those and could set it up like someone bending over with their bare butt showing out the door, that could sure turn a few heads. You would have to be careful though, you wouldn't want to cause any accidents on the road. (I specify 'on the road' since we are talking about an outhouse

oh boy! I think I will treat the chickens first and send them out to free-range. I have to find a spot where they can go for a few days. How can you tell when the coop is clear?

Do you spose the little critters came in with the pine needles I dumped in the coop - they love them - recently?

I don't know as they would be in pine needles unless there were wild birds on the pine needles beforehand who left behind some mites.
You're welcome dear Ivie. I wish you luck.

Here's something that I will tell you. I have not painted the inside of my coop when I've had them. Because I've noted them in the middle of winter and painting wasn't going to happen. I have not got to doing it in more agreeable weather. So all of this can be done successfully without painting. BUT it makes sense and supposedly does help. And ....I just need to get my rear in gear. And the second time I got them...I was kicking myself about not painting. If I get them again...I'll be cussing myself out again.

If you do the Cattle Pour on...there is a dosage for using. I believe 5 drops for big birds. 2-3 drops for bantams. Put on the base of the tail (saddle), vent, under wings. It works like Frontline, if you will.

I was going to suggest Frontline or Sentry with fipronil in it. That is a lot pricier than the Ivermectin pour on stuff.
I have some mites on birds which may prevent me from taking some to Hutch. However, it is my NH cockerels that have them. Not the one I treated with Sentry in August, but some of the rest, and ONLY the males. Even in breeding pens, the rooster gets them and the hens don't. It has been giving me trouble for almost a year like this.
I am thinking of using the little garden sprayer with a wand and going through the coop as I clean and spraying down everything with the dog dip mixed in it and just covering everything. I have to plug some holes the sparrows and starlings have been using to get into the place too and hopefully end the infestation.
I don't itch, but it makes me angry to have them on the birds.
Fontline spray for oupys and kitten is just i used. I mix it with minel oil Half and half. And spay them. But i didnt want to be telling someone how i did it seeing im not a vet.
Fontline spray for oupys and kitten is just i used. I mix it with minel oil Half and half. And spay them. But i didnt want to be telling someone how i did it seeing im not a vet.

We are all non-vets, so we are stupid and does what works and not what the government says works,,,,

I am really careful and try to not use anything, I like my birds to be as chemical free as possible, so I use the "natural stuff" first. I have never used the frontline or frontline like stuff on any birds except mine going to the show. I did not want to get to the show and get bumped for unwanted critters.

BTW I made a last minute substitution. I had the one CLB pullet ready to go washed bathed toes polished and smelling good. I pulled her for the CLB with the white feather. In spite of the white feather she better represents what I think the breed should look like. The other one had too big of a comb and not enough crest to make me happy.

On a sadder note, my roosters comb is looking funny after the bath yesterday. It is not standing as straight and just does not look as sharp. I lotioned it and rub it. I talked to him about self esteem and the need to stand tall. I also warned him if it did not straighten by tomorrow I would have to put a cast on it and some butch wax. I think he understand how important looking good it now.

I am extremely happy with my PC roosters. I was worried I had not picked the right one, I have one earmarked for EJB. He is free ranging and when I see him I think, he should be going. But there is nothing wrong with the two I have going either. One is a little more bay in the hackles the other has a better bay triangle on the wings. All 3 I had to pick from are better than ED their father and I thought he was good.

My problem in PC's are the pullets. I just do not have PC's that are the quality of the cockerels I have. I know we talk about with CLB's you almost need to sets of breeders to get a good pair, one pair to make roosters the other to make hens. Is it the same on PC's or did I just keep the wrong chicks?

MCM I wish I had your SS pullet. Again mine are too young I am afraid. I need to tell myself this year is for learning next year is for kicking arse! .
Well, I am back home from running all afternoon - again. I sat down with one can of refreshment and I watched the chickens. Yeah - how did I miss all this? Reggie is shaking his head really bad - I don't think he did that before.

I am going to spray myself with deet - deep woods off and hopefully come out of this unscathed for this evening. Strip and wash clothes right away and jump into the shower. First I am going to powder the hens with the Sevin. Thats all for tonight.

Tomorrow I will strip out the coop and rake it out, sprinkling the Sevin the raked stuff as I go. Why would I want those little critters to jump back onto a hen if they are free-ranging. Hopefully I will get to vacuum the whole building at the same time.

Then paint it.

So here I am - everyone says that I am always busy. And I am. But you chickeners understand. Its gotta be done plus maintaining the normal get it done list. Thanks for all your help. I mean THANKS for all you help. I should have confessed two months ago.
Jerry, I would not think too badly of those folks that came to see what was happening when you were using your chain saw. They were quite likely Swedish. Curious but lacking in other attributes?
They were certainly not Norwegian, as those folks wrote the book on logging, and they tend to their own business. Would you not agree Ralphie?

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