Surviving Minnesota!

I can't help it. So many women at work are pregnant and this is my maternal response. ;-)
I can't help it. So many women at work are pregnant and this is my maternal response. ;-)
I can't help it. So many women at work are pregnant and this is my maternal response. ;-)
I can't help it. So many women at work are pregnant and this is my maternal response. ;-)
And they are so much easier to deliver and take care and less spendy too.

HI Holms!
Before I head to get some shut eye - Rosie, the injured RIR is in her kennel and drinking and sleeping with her head in the food. She seems to be doing very well. I did bring her in and soaked her chest for a while and dripped Tea Tree all over it. This morning I added a brooding light out side of the kennel but directed toward one end of the kennel. She turned around so her head was toward it and settled in. Before she was tucking her head so I thought maybe she was a little chilled. She is looking spry.

Welcome to this thread Barbara and thank you for your feed-back about the mite situation. I appreciate it. You will learn and obviously share many good lessons to be learned from these chickeners. WE are a wonderful bunch! Seems as if you have had contact with Jerryse before this.

Welsummer is one of the breeds on my 'eventually birds to have' when I am established and down to about eight. Right now there are 15 hens (with one roo) and six chicks.

Ralphie, Reggie has stepped up to the plate quite nicely. He takes care of his girls although I would agree that there are too many for him especially when they are all free-ranging. I think it kind of drives him crazy. At this time he will pretty much let me do what I want with the girls. We will see as he ages. His crow is very throaty and the neighbor thinks that he has a growth in his throat or at some time his throat was damaged. I do not mind the way he crows though. Its loud enough to hear but not so loud that the neighbors a mile a way hear him. The neighbors do stop by to ask where Tom. We have some laughs about his 4 a.m. wake up calls.

One more question. I know to not take eggs for two weeks after the mite treatment ends. Do I stop collecting them immediately when I give them their first dusting (did that tonight) or may I get the first couple of days of eggs to use?

Be checkin in with you in the morning. Night Chickeners.
Ivie: When I first had the issue I didn't know better and ate the eggs. Somebody told me later I should hold them. I thought they did have a funky taste, too. And yes...because they are developing as we speak down the egg tract...they will mixing and mingling with the chemicals that are now on your hens. Unfortunately. To be safe I'd hold. It's a lot of egg wasting. I shudder to think how much if you have new hens laying like gang busters. Total downside of this all.

I'm so glad you found your RIR. I had a little RIR, Rosie, who went for a snooze and roost in the Big Pole Shed. Luckily I counted heads that night and searched and searched for her. Had given up but then lightbulb came on well past dark and I found her roosted on the back of an old couch in that pole shed. Just adorable and perched queenly & innocent there among all the oddities, boats, four wheeler, snowmobiles and junk. She hadn't even **** on the couch yet. Hahaha. Ahhh good memories.
Good morning.

You area hard one to beat.

However, there are external forces at play here.

If I come immediately to the computer or not, if there is water in the coffee maker. How long the coffee brews before I get a sip. Whether or not I make breakfast. If I have bodily functions to attend to or not.

And of course, how bad my joints hurt from lying down and if I can sit in a chair or need to stand.

But I need to give you credit on being a good competitor and beating me most days.

That said, I do think your morning messages are a little short most days.
Now on to Ivie,

I have been giving much thought to your "Mite Problem".

I do not think killing them is the right solution. It is out and out mite murder. I think you need to build another coop and move all the mites into the second coop. I can understand your not wanting to have them feed on your chickens.

To solve this I think you should place a couple of recliners in the second coop and a TV. You and Greg can relax in the second coop every night and allow the mites to feed on the two of you. I find this a win-win. The mites survive and the chickens are mite free.

After all the mites are just doing what comes naturally to them..

I hope you consider this as I am thinking green today and as I become more green I realize Mites are living creatures and their lives matter too...
I have also been giving thought to EJB and Jerry and their chickens. For some reason it came to me you two do not hug and kiss your chickens enough to let them know you love them.

I want you to both go out and give each chicken a hug and kiss and tell the chicken you love it. I would like to see this on a video so we could use it for training for other calloused chicken owners and convert them to becoming chicken lovers....

EJB I also think you need to visit a logging camp and see for yourself how much work the Swedes do compared to the Norwegians. Make sure you do not visit a Finlander/Norwegian camp as you will not see any actual logging in one of them. You might however see them making a traditional pizza.

I feel like a priest today pointing out the errors of peoples ways and offering suggestions to make the 4 (Ivie and Erlbrd also) better people.

Please feel free to make a donations to Ralphie's Counseling services. Cash only no Checks, I woud hate to have to visit Mr Fuchs again.

Edited to remind those that forgot, Mr Fuchs was the name of the guy that did my last tax audit. Most of the auditors I have had I cannot remember their names, he made an "impression" on me and I remember his name. The other 17 auditors are just nameless faces from my past. I even forgot the name of the one I had the fortune to stumble across between Independence and Cotton traveling 68 mph back in the 55 speed limit days. That was a very satisfying day for me. I did not recognize him at first, until he tried to talk his way out of a ticket, by telling me he was in law enforcement and sorry for speeding. When I asked him who he worked for he said " Internal Revenue Service".... Karma is a female dog some days is what he learned.
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