Surviving Minnesota!

My NO SNOW wish didn't come true. I was out in the dark last night wrapping the dang run up. I was getting pelted with snow, rain, wind....ugh. I still have one side to go, but at least the strong wind from the north is blocked. I would have just left it and took my time today, but the wind can make a situation bad. Everyone is still hiding in the coop hopefully tolerating one another.

@NathanZee , I saw your pigeon story! Very cool. The males incubate the little ones? It almost makes me want one....almost.
Thank you! Males incubate from about 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, females do the night shift.
You should really get a few, they are so fun to have!
Sorry Ralphie. Crazy about those shows!

Official word is that we got 18.5 inches of heart attack inducing, snowplow stuck, heavy wet snow. It's a friggin' mess out there.the birds come out to the run for water and and kale and sunflower seeds then back to roost in the coop. Two eggs today. Miss kitty and Dixie started up again. That silkie is something else. Lol.

Yuck. I was spoiled big time with the nice November. Hauling stuff through 18.5 inches of snow is a major work out. Carhartt coat is doing well! Getting broke in nicely. I want to kill DS --he ran the 4 wheeler over the septic mound again this year. I tell him every year to stay off it! 'I forgot. Jeesh mom!' I'm sick of these adolescent brains that forget!

Bag balm on juniors comb and wattles for tonight. Yeah 8 degrees doesnt always feel good. Considering banana belt.

Sadie is still alive.
Sorry Ralphie. Crazy about those shows!

Official word is that we got 18.5 inches of heart attack inducing, snowplow stuck, heavy wet snow. It's a friggin' mess out there.the birds come out to the run for water and and kale and sunflower seeds then back to roost in the coop. Two eggs today. Miss kitty and Dixie started up again. That silkie is something else. Lol.

Yuck. I was spoiled big time with the nice November. Hauling stuff through 18.5 inches of snow is a major work out. Carhartt coat is doing well! Getting broke in nicely. I want to kill DS --he ran the 4 wheeler over the septic mound again this year. I tell him every year to stay off it! 'I forgot. Jeesh mom!' I'm sick of these adolescent brains that forget!

Bag balm on juniors comb and wattles for tonight. Yeah 8 degrees doesnt always feel good. Considering banana belt.

Sadie is still alive.
Oh No!!! LOL. Now I am worried about Reggie's comb and wattles. The DH will NOT grease up those wattles and comb. That is going too far!!

I finally got out last night, I am at the New Ulm show. I got my birds checked in at 11pm .

No snow here, so different than when I left home. Got to go clean birds, see ya
Sorry to hear about the stubs, you do have to look really close between the toes. Pluck them before the show a couple of days if you do find any. Yeah, I know, faking. I have had enough judges tell me just what I said, so I won't get too uppity and by the book ;)

morning all!! no snow stuck here but boy is it windy and cold yet! just got in from putting in reflective stakes along the driveway. ground it firming up already. I think i will bundle up after this coffee and go get at my snow fence. no fun pounding in posts once the top layer really freezes!

did anyone else besides ralphie go to New Ulm? @Minniechickmama ?
Nope too much going on at home and getting prepped, and I have been sick with a cold that slowed me down. The guy I was going to get some pullets from decided not to trek down for the show either, so it's all good. I didn't feel much like bathing the birds in the colder temps either. I have done that before and some get all rattly breathing and I don't like doing that to them.

Thank you! Males incubate from about 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, females do the night shift.
You should really get a few, they are so fun to have!
That is a pretty cool aspect of the pigeons (aka flying rats when I was on the farm back home). My husband likes the looks of pigeons and wants to build a pigeon coop or aviary or whatever they are called. I told him I won't clean up the mess though, it will be his deal. There are a lot of very cool varieties of pigeons though, I will say. I like some of those with the funky frills and curls, and I think the Kings are pretty awesome.

Sorry Ralphie. Crazy about those shows!

Official word is that we got 18.5 inches of heart attack inducing, snowplow stuck, heavy wet snow. It's a friggin' mess out there.the birds come out to the run for water and and kale and sunflower seeds then back to roost in the coop. Two eggs today. Miss kitty and Dixie started up again. That silkie is something else. Lol.

Yuck. I was spoiled big time with the nice November. Hauling stuff through 18.5 inches of snow is a major work out. Carhartt coat is doing well! Getting broke in nicely. I want to kill DS --he ran the 4 wheeler over the septic mound again this year. I tell him every year to stay off it! 'I forgot. Jeesh mom!' I'm sick of these adolescent brains that forget!

Bag balm on juniors comb and wattles for tonight. Yeah 8 degrees doesnt always feel good. Considering banana belt.

Sadie is still alive.

OUCH! Sounds like that time we got 18" of slush on May 4th here. I would take the snow you have over that though. Definitely get Junior tended to, but I think you can still expect he will get nipped a little bit. The Wellie combs are just not thick enough to ward off the cold on their own. NHs aren't much better.
Sorry to hear about the stubs, you do have to look really close between the toes. Pluck them before the show a couple of days if you do find any. Yeah, I know, faking. I have had enough judges tell me just what I said, so I won't get too uppity and by the book ;)

Nope too much going on at home and getting prepped, and I have been sick with a cold that slowed me down. The guy I was going to get some pullets from decided not to trek down for the show either, so it's all good. I didn't feel much like bathing the birds in the colder temps either. I have done that before and some get all rattly breathing and I don't like doing that to them.

That is a pretty cool aspect of the pigeons (aka flying rats when I was on the farm back home). My husband likes the looks of pigeons and wants to build a pigeon coop or aviary or whatever they are called. I told him I won't clean up the mess though, it will be his deal. There are a lot of very cool varieties of pigeons though, I will say. I like some of those with the funky frills and curls, and I think the Kings are pretty awesome.

OUCH! Sounds like that time we got 18" of slush on May 4th here. I would take the snow you have over that though. Definitely get Junior tended to, but I think you can still expect he will get nipped a little bit. The Wellie combs are just not thick enough to ward off the cold on their own. NHs aren't much better.
Yeah, it is. Pigeons really are very tidy compared to chickens. There are definitely plenty of breeds to choose from!
Thank you! Males incubate from about 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, females do the night shift.
You should really get a few, they are so fun to have!

I'm assuming you have to have quite a few males if you have multiple nests going for hatching? That's interesting. Do they take only one mate?

I think of you every time I want to get rid of my KC trio! They're so noisy today. The water is frozen and they hate the snow. I told them to get their act together.

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