Surviving Minnesota!

Several inches of new snow here. The wet heavy variety. I shoveled the walk and decks once at 0500, but I will have an opportunity or two more to do the same task. It is good exercise, but I do not like it much.
We have been quickly converted to the traditional winter wonderland here. The chickens and guineas are not enthusiastic about it either, but they do go out in it.
Hope all have an enjoyable Thanksgiving! Have you plucked your turkey today Ralphie, as I suspect you would want a fresh turkey for the special occasion?
Ed, I'm so proud to hear you are helping DW on her snow removal duties.
Good for you. This heavy wet snow is exercise for sure. More flakes starting now. Just when I thought we weren't going to get too much.
I am less than an hour from Kloppers, we got about a half inch after it rained/sleeted about all day yesterday. The ice on the stoop was bad yesterday but haven't been out yet to see what it is like for walking on. The patio is still warm enough to melt most of what fell on it. It is good weather to get housework done and do some cooking, like chili!
I am looking forward to the weekend, supposed to be close to 50. I need to do some more cleaning and rearranging of birds. There is some plastic to put up too, actually quite a bit of it. I will likely replace lightbulbs today or tomorrow. I need a few more than I have to replace them with.
good morning all! It's a winter wonderland here
BC, yes I did help the Mrs. with the snow removal. I do the hand shoveling, and she does the machine work. There is usually a little drama as a result of my not doing something or not doing it right.
It is quite fortunate that I have such an even temperament. Probably due to being of 50% Norwegian heritage?
BC, yes I did help the Mrs. with the snow removal. I do the hand shoveling, and she does the machine work. There is usually a little drama as a result of my not doing something or not doing it right.
It is quite fortunate that I have such an even temperament. Probably due to being of 50% Norwegian heritage?

I am really doubting this. Judy claims to be 50% lessor Scandinavian too and I am of a far more even temperament than her.
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I am half Scandinavian and Half German. DH doesn't have a fighting chance in Hades. But being 1/2 Norwegian and the rest mutt with swiss and rumored Horsethief in him my life isn't exactly pleasant with pigheadedness either. We butt heads on who's going to do what. He ends up running the machinery though and I get the lovely back breaking deck and front sidewalk and step. The Scandinavian part of my brain is starting to slowly recognize the merits of child labor though. And If I like repeating instruction 10 times then I can usually get some help. Sometimes it's easier to save breath and get it done right.

She's looking out for you Ed....Making sure you're getting your cardio this winter. Gotta love her for that!

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