Surviving Minnesota!

Hello from Scandia, excited to find a group that has all the fun MN fun chicken keeping facts, help and pointers. I'm excited for warm weather to start playing and expanding my little co-op/run!
We need more chickeners CampnGirl. Welcome.
I'm going to shout this out and probably most will ignore me but I've heard that dog/Cat foods although giving higher protein are also higher in sodium or salt. Not always a good thing for birds...? Idk. I haven't had feather picking so I'm sure I would do something to try to curb it. If other things didn't work.

Cluckies I saw a nose ring designed feather picking deterrent. The ring just sets in the nostrils and It sits in the beak like a bit. They get used to it pretty quick this lady said. They can eat and drink but cannot grab a feather. Of course they need breaks from it for preening themselves once a week. Another option.
I've seen those, i've also seen ones you just put on the edge of their beak, you have to take these off or there beak will get deformed. I do have pinless peepers, but I want to find a permanent solution. I'm thinking the catfood cause it seems to work for others, and this just started when Fi started laying, i'm sure it is related. I'm fine with more salt lvie, i've tried 22 percent protein feed, it did not work to stop the feather picking in the past. I've had many months without feather picking so was hoping it was done!

Quote: It is true about the banana belt we seem to warm up faster, but don't get as much rain which can be bad... been in drought or near drought for many years, last year was the first with adequate amount of rain.

One of my pullets I hatched last fall is laying. Beautiful dark Olive egg! And everydsy they keep getting darker! AND she is laying everyday!

And pics. Ralphie can you find the Legbar egg? 7 Blue/Green eggs the past two days!

Love, love, love that olive egg!

Hello from Scandia, excited to find a group that has all the fun MN fun chicken keeping facts, help and pointers. I'm excited for warm weather to start playing and expanding my little co-op/run!

I guess we are taking it all
We are in for 8 to 10
You can take it, and you can keep it there!
Well, I may try hamburger, as they didn't touch the catfood I put out today...
I did grind it up into a finer mix, and I'll put it back out tomorrow and see what happens. Fi is the culprit, and she is just awful! I may have to separate her, she has gone crazy!

You could always mix it with some hot water to soften it, they might like that better? And maybe throw some scratch or meal worms on top.

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