Surviving Minnesota!

Erlibrd is your pullet still broody?

I have 2 still and I need to get off my butt and do something. The one managed to get 5 eggs and a golf ball under her today. The good thing is she kept the eggs from freezing. The bad thing is she gouged my hand 7 times before I got the eggs out from under her. I might relent and give her 8-10 eggs, to hatch . along with the other one.

It would safe me space in the incubator. Stupid birds.

Also I lost one of my original EE's today. She was lying dead in the run. No Idea why.. Most likely a heart attack from high blood pressure caused by too much salt.
Chocolate!!! Everything always tastes better with chocolate!

Of course then they would have to fight me for it.

eta: As much as I love my chickies, I don't waste chocolate!!!!!
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Erlibrd is your pullet still broody?

I have 2 still and I need to get off my butt and do something. The one managed to get 5 eggs and a golf ball under her today. The good thing is she kept the eggs from freezing. The bad thing is she gouged my hand 7 times before I got the eggs out from under her. I might relent and give her 8-10 eggs, to hatch . along with the other one.

It would safe me space in the incubator. Stupid birds.

Also I lost one of my original EE's today. She was lying dead in the run. No Idea why.. Most likely a heart attack from high blood pressure caused by too much salt.

Okay - slow? I was going to say that your new initials are SA. But then I thought about Ralphie and why do we not refer to you as DR?
Erlibrd is your pullet still broody?

I have 2 still and I need to get off my butt and do something. The one managed to get 5 eggs and a golf ball under her today. The good thing is she kept the eggs from freezing. The bad thing is she gouged my hand 7 times before I got the eggs out from under her. I might relent and give her 8-10 eggs, to hatch . along with the other one.

It would safe me space in the incubator. Stupid birds.

Also I lost one of my original EE's today. She was lying dead in the run. No Idea why.. Most likely a heart attack from high blood pressure caused by too much salt.
Sorry you lost your EE.

Yes she is still broody, I don't think she's an egg stealer but I find eggs under her that don't belong. She leaves her nest mid morning, maybe more but that is all I've noticed. Another hen will jump in the favorite nest box and lay her egg. I reach under her every day to check and have half a dozen nicks in the back of my hand.

It's so nice to see a momma hen with chicks in the spring. I couldn't get sexed eggs so I hope she will accept chicks.

My old broody looks like she's done molting and fully feathered now maybe she'll start laying again. If she does I bet it won't be long and she'll be broody.
Sorry you lost your EE.

Yes she is still broody, I don't think she's an egg stealer but I find eggs under her that don't belong. She leaves her nest mid morning, maybe more but that is all I've noticed. Another hen will jump in the favorite nest box and lay her egg. I reach under her every day to check and have half a dozen nicks in the back of my hand.

It's so nice to see a momma hen with chicks in the spring. I couldn't get sexed eggs so I hope she will accept chicks.

My old broody looks like she's done molting and fully feathered now maybe she'll start laying again. If she does I bet it won't be long and she'll be broody.

No condolences needed on the hen, but thanks, she was never a real friend of mine more of an acquaintance.

I hate to advertise it to the general public but I could sell you sexed eggs. They are a little more expensive than normal eggs. And they come with a 50/50 chance of getting your money back if they are all roosters....
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No condolences needed on the hen, but thanks, she was never a real friend of mine more of an acquaintance.

I hate to advertise it to the general pubic but I could sell you sexed eggs. They are a little more expensive than normal eggs. And they come with a 50/50 chance of getting your money back if they are all roosters....
Ermm... Ralph... Check your spelling, please
Quote: I did try the meal worms on top yesterday, live ones, they burrowed in and the chickens just dug through it to get the worms. Today they eat a little bit of it, not much, and only out of my hand.

It would safe me space in the incubator. Stupid birds.

Also I lost one of my original EE's today. She was lying dead in the run. No Idea why.. Most likely a heart attack from high blood pressure caused by too much salt.
:( How old was she?

and for the second part:

Yey! The Moorhead spud is in the house! Dance spud, dance! Nothing makes me more happy than that dancing turd, I mean spud :D I don't think he is getting enough air time though!

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