Surviving Minnesota!

lvie! BBQ sounds delish.

Jerry: sure. I'll take on a 3rd job this summer. I will send you my desired wage. LOL. Actually i'd probably come out there just for the fun of it to watch that mill work. Stacking probably not the worst job in the world.

DS did really well on his first golf varsity meet. They put him on the last (6th) grouping and he beat the 3rd seeded guy on their team for a score. I think they just didn't know what to do with him given it was his first Varsity meet. Hopefully they'll move him up in the seeding. Their top player shot a 41 and DS got a 50. Proud Mom here.
Morning all! Holm sorry to hear about your Cochin :(

no peeps yet today from under my broody.....maybe this afternoon, today is the day I had marked on the calendar as 21 days from when I thought she started sitting but I could be wrong....I've been wrong before.
Well we can decide on a fee and split . Since we will be teachers . What size motor does yours have ? I have a new 13 horse briggs leftover from a build it yourself project that never got finished . Small rehoming fee of course .

I have a perfectly healthy 15 Koelher on mine with a slight hole in the fuel pump diaphragm.

I have a couple brand new engines here too, incase you need one and do not want to go back to Ill. Mine are cheapies though. I sometimes impulse buy at Harbor Freight and then never complete the project I buy things for.
I HAVE PEEPS AND CHIRPS!!!!! I am hearing some muffled peeps now and again but there is also some loud chirping so I think there may be one or two that have already hatched! This is soooo exciting! I have spent the past two hours sitting on the coop floor with my camera ready but nothing to photograph as of yet.....every time there is a peep or a chirp my broody makes a cooing noise and checks underneath her but it is quite dim in there and I can't seem to see much of anything when she lifts up.

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