Surviving Minnesota!

Jerry I plant any where from mid may to early June. Depending on the year and my schedule. Frost free for sure by memorial weekend. All the locals say memorial weekend for our town. This year we should be good by mid may. Peas are usually one of the first crops out yes. I just don't remember when that is. Early July?

I think it might be warmer today. Still skin of snow and ice stuck though. No precipitation. Blue skies. Chickens have come out.
Morning . Lot of posts . Tells me how the weather has been . Not great here either . BC and the broom . Sometimes you got to put on the hat and let them know who they are dealing with .
Then it also brings to mind something about firey tempers and red hair .
Can't imagine that nice young man I met setting you off .

Ralphie on that white . The white tinged yellow is genetic .

You have just sentenced hm to the crock pot,,,,Thanks!!!
He's been going through his manhood transition this winter Jerry. My little blonde haired innocent is now the household agitator. Still a good kid just testing the water.

And DD still in and off with her agitating. Although I find lately it's the boy who sneakily gets her started.

Lol. I figured I best break that broom over the stool versus them.

And yes. The German Scandinavian cross does make for fiery response. Could be red hair. Too lol.

Where is Ed lately? Still supervising his wife shoveling?

Most likely cuddling a few chicks...
He's been going through his manhood transition this winter Jerry. My little blonde haired innocent is now the household agitator. Still a good kid just testing the water.

And DD still in and off with her agitating. Although I find lately it's the boy who sneakily gets her started.

Lol. I figured I best break that broom over the stool versus them.

And yes. The German Scandinavian cross does make for fiery response. Could be red hair. Too lol.

Where is Ed lately? Still supervising his wife shoveling?

Anyone growing peas up north ? When do you usually plant them ? Thinking of trying some at the lake since I probably would miss harvest here . Should of planted here before now . Harvest is usually early June here .

I am thinking of planting peas soon.. So you are good when you get up there next weekend.

MomofMany: I have been meaning to ask as I thought it was curious a while back when we discussed worming the chickens. Eating earth worms can give the worms?

If I remember the conversation we were discussing blackhead in Turkeys and how the parasite that causes it has a stage it lives in earthworms and chickens. The chickens and turkeys eat the earthworms ingesting the parasitic host that infects the turkeys. Not causing worms themselves.
He's been going through his manhood transition this winter Jerry. My little blonde haired innocent is now the household agitator. Still a good kid just testing the water.

And DD still in and off with her agitating. Although I find lately it's the boy who sneakily gets her started.

Lol. I figured I best break that broom over the stool versus them.

And yes. The German Scandinavian cross does make for fiery response. Could be red hair. Too lol.

Where is Ed lately? Still supervising his wife shoveling?

Oh! I also forgot about the buff Orpingtons too. I can tell those roosters are antsy to get out of their bachelor pen!

I too am getting rid of the cuckoo Marans. From what I have seen I am getting a tan egg with lots of thick brown splotches on them and not very many. I love the look of the rooster though! He is huge! But I wont be keeping them. He will definitely go down the road I have to pull the hens out and see how well they actually lay before I decide on them. Mine also came from Cacklel like Ralphie's.

At least yours laid eggs, I was not unhappy about the color of mine, I was unhappy about the number I got. They were just production birds and I needed to cut down so they are gone,
I read that this condition is common in Black Copper Marans. The conjoining toes. I'd like to think this guy doesn't know it's popping up in his offspring. But, any good breeder would know I suppose. Most hatch their own offspring as well. I'm almost considering not keeping the others. Four others hatched and I'm worried they carry those same genetics. I guees I can keep the females for eggs....
Alrighty, here we go. I'll only add a few. I did end up using some spray lidocaine and an ice cube. The scalpel worked pretty slick. I have the chick's toes covered in antibiotic ointment and wrapped with gauze. Bleeding is pretty minimal. I'll need to get those toes straightened tonight or tomorrow, so I'll do the cardboard tape method....

Great photos! I love his little boots LOL!

Well, it's not pretty, but it's done. I'm glad It's a big healthy chick. I'll check it in a week....

are there breeds that are more susceptible to this issue than others? (good work all the way around on this little guy!)
I read that this condition is common in Black Copper Marans. The conjoining toes. I'd like to think this guy doesn't know it's popping up in his offspring. But, any good breeder would know I suppose. Most hatch their own offspring as well. I'm almost considering not keeping the others. Four others hatched and I'm worried they carry those same genetics. I guees I can keep the females for eggs....

Jerry can correct me if I am wrong. I would not get rid of the others. They could have the gene for the conjoined toes and then again they might not.

I am not sure about the toes but so many things in chickens are controlled by more than one Allele and from more than one location. I think most of the good birds have bad genes, you just need to try and eliminate the ones where it is obviously a dominant trait.

Maybe if you could get all the toes to become webbed you could call them Chucks and sell them to the lessor poultry people that like dux....

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