Surviving Minnesota!

Morning everyone, looks like it might be a nice day, here's to hoping.

@duluthralphie hope your wife is doing well....oh and don't touch the wash machine.

The DH is on his way to Kentucky Lake today for his yearly fishing trip...won't be back until Mothers Day evening....
What to do ... what to do...

I can watch TV because I will have control of the remote...anything I want.... on the BIG screen!!
I can eat PB&J for dinner and avoid making a miserable mess in the kitchen!!!
I can hang out with my dogs, horses and chickens without hearing the words "When are you coming in to make dinner?"
I can sleep with the window open!!!!!
I won't get up in the morning and find the coffee pot empty!!!!

jk - he's a keeper...oh I love that man of mine


Attention. I am headed back out to coop to document arrival of last batch (so far) of chicks that arrived this morning. I had requested "chickens" for Christmas from anybody who asked and everyone obliged. I have now successfully used all my Cackle Hatchery Gift Cards for the year .... just received my Surprise Box this morning
54 total; 2 DOA; 1 more who looks a lil on the rough edge. Otherwise I am impressed. DH is not hahahah. His words to me this spring at one point were "No Stupid Chickens", in reference to the Polish babies at the local Runnings brooders. Well wouldn't you know....3 Turkens; 5 Polish; and at least 10 Cochins (ORRRR, what else has furry legs? Maybe a Maran???) - all those are firmly in the category of "Stupid Chickens", according to local resident chicken expert....Also known as, DH.

I wonder if yours and mine are related! Mine did not want me getting chickens because we would be "tied" to the house and could never go on vacation????? Um, hun we also have 4 dogs, 2 horses and a 17 year old parrot that will out live us! Hate to break it to you but we aren't going anywhere anyhow ( I say what's the harm)

I've gone through menopause....hormones are a thing of the past, I'm safe (and so is the remote)
I wonder if yours and mine are related! Mine did not want me getting chickens because we would be "tied" to the house and could never go on vacation????? Um, hun we also have 4 dogs, 2 horses and a 17 year old parrot that will out live us! Hate to break it to you but we aren't going anywhere anyhow ( I say what's the harm)
I've gone through menopause....hormones are a thing of the past, I'm safe (and so is the remote)

NO, The TV and remote are never safe from a female hand...The residual stuff is enough to make it impossible for a woman to run a remote...In our home, I have to hide the remote so Judy doesn't screw up the TV and remote..

It is for everyone's welfare.. She actually wants me to always run the remote.....
NO, The TV and remote are never safe from a female hand...The residual stuff is enough to make it impossible for a woman to run a remote...In our home, I have to hide the remote so Judy doesn't screw up the TV and remote..

It is for everyone's welfare.. She actually wants me to always run the remote.....

you are so lucky to have such a good understanding woman who knows her place
I am going to hatch as many as I can along with turkeys and only a select few chicken eggs like Buckeyes and Orps if they ever start laying lol! Silly birds!

I thought Orps were good layers! I have a young Buff Orp. Perhaps her and I need to have a talk.

Morning . BC the fiddle heads remind me of asparagus . Maybe it is just me . The brown skins tend to have a dry quality on taste . Like spinach or rhubarb kind of dry . On ID the Ostrich fern tends to make a large hump or mound out of the ground . More than other ferns . Huge patch of them at the lake .

We have a huge patch of Ostrich Ferns down by the pond. I see them pop up on lower ground as well. I wonder if that's typical? I just know the chickens don't like them.
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DH's taste in TV is different than mine. So I get nutty with all the melodramas that play out on network TV when he has the remote control.
I think that's why I can't wait for Spring Honestly so I can get outside and away from the sqwauk box. If he goes fishing for the weekend. HUGE bonus. Remote in hand!

Well it's a gorgeous day. Suppose to get that Queen sized bed this evening
DH's taste in TV is different than mine. So I get nutty with all the melodramas that play out on network TV when he has the remote control.
I think that's why I can't wait for Spring Honestly so I can get outside and away from the sqwauk box. If he goes fishing for the weekend. HUGE bonus. Remote in hand!

Well it's a gorgeous day. Suppose to get that Queen sized bed this evening

What brand did you end up going with???

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