Surviving Minnesota!

Thanks for the catch up guys! Congrats everyone!
Oh no, terrible news about Jerry's truck! I'm not sure what is in Spooner Wisconsin except a few cheese heads...hopefully they don't give him any trouble with the puppy and chicks.
Got the hen house done, but only partially finished the picnic table. it is my chicken TV picnic table, hopefully I can finish up staining it tomorrow. Then on to gardens.
Have a great night & day tomorrow everyone!
It's really raining out there! So happy! Hopefully this keeps it wet for a few days here rather then Brown and dusty like it was for the last 5 days or So

Here is some green and yellow for you to look at ILL. :)
Anyone need some Dandelions? :barnie
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Morning all!

Sorry about your truck troubles Jerry. You could've broke down in a worse town, Spooner's not so bad, a friend of ours is from there, owned a lumber mill at one time which is where we got our ash paneling for our house.

Used to hate dandelions but I've learned to live with them they do have good uses
Morning all!

Sorry about your truck troubles Jerry. You could've broke down in a worse town, Spooner's not so bad, a friend of ours is from there, owned a lumber mill at one time which is where we got our ash paneling for our house.

Used to hate dandelions but I've learned to live with them they do have good uses

Name two good uses???

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