Surviving Minnesota!

Holm, you got a Turkey baby!

I did pick up two little poults for a ridiculous amount of money. I couldn't help myself. A Royal Palm and Narragansett. The Narra is incredibly friendly and always wants to be by us. My guess is it might be a little Tom. The Palm is a bit more human sketchy. It won't even take mealworms. I did see someone in Brainerd had some Sweetgrass poults. My fingers are still twitching on that.

Just curious what you paid for them?

I have been selling mine for $8 but they are not selling too fast...Then again I have kind of let the craigslist ad die out. I am becoming anti people lately and hate dealing with too many of them..
We have a very small school and she was asked to run varsity. She also runs at the Junior High meets if there is not a varsity meet the same day.

Her current times which also keep dropping each meet are as follows:
400m 1:06
800m 2:44.49
1600m 6:06

She also runs on a 4x200m relay which I think runs about 2:00.
She does not run all of these each meet though. She wants to try high jump next year or triple jump. Right now she doesn't do any field events.
I am not sure she will make state but she has that goal set and is trying hard to get there.
That's pretty good for a seventh grader, hopefully she can keep improving into her high school years and doesn't peak early.
I didn't know you had some little ones available :confused: I would have much rather purchased from you. My intentions were to just leave with the Narragansett because that is what I went there for. Oh, and layer pellets. Shame on me.

$18. I know, I know. I told you.
I think the end of August. I will take my pullets and butcher roosters to it too a good way to get rid of the excess.

I am not sure they were pure the black ones looked Angus crossed.

No, bad weather her Siggie but feels like it could rain. I should be out working but am having mid morning coffee after a strenuous hike for mushrooms...All over here for this year (for Morels)...

My mom plans on going to the one in August. Not sure if I should go or not. I tend to spend more money than I anticipate. :p:lau I suppose I better go just incase
there are more Silkies... I will have my testing done by then so i should be able to bring some extra stuff... After seeing Guinea prices I may have to bring some down...
I sold some Khaki Campbell ducklings recently. Purebred $4/each, all 7 for $24. That's a steal if you know anything about ducks. People wanted them cheaper yet. I told one lady to try and find them at a feed store and if she does, enjoy paying $8 per duckling straight run. I said it much nicer, of course. And who knows what crud they come to your home with. But what do I know.....

Long story short, I get what you're saying about people.
I sold some Khaki Campbell ducklings recently. Purebred $4/each, all 7 for $24. That's a steal if you know anything about ducks. People wanted them cheaper yet. I told one lady to try and find them at a feed store and if she does, enjoy paying $8 per duckling straight run. I said it much nicer, of course. And who knows what crud they come to your home with. But what do I know.....

Long story short, I get what you're saying about people.
If I could find pure ducklings for $4 each, I'd pounce on them. I'm paying $10--$12 each for good stock, which isn't bad, but it adds up quick.
Minnesotanice I did get some Mr. T babies! I have another broody sitting on 3 of his eggs and then Ethel Jr. is sitting on 11 and one Guinea egg. Don't ask how she got the Guinea egg because I have no clue. She was overly nippy last night so I said screw it and let the beast have the dang thing.
Hello all....Holms what kind of camera do you have? Those pictures are amazing quality.

The Benton County Funny Farm added 3 new pigs....Thankfully, they are 4H pigs for the auction....and one for our freezer. Holy mess makers!

As for the bird situation, I am happy to say I just purchased another dog kennel for modified free ranging when we are not home. Just in case you are wondering how you haul a 12 foot long by 6 foot wide kennel. sit in the bed of the truck holding it on cross ways while your husband drives down the township road. Yes....hillbilly style at it's finest. Thankfully nobody was on the road or in the fields surrounding the road.

The PC's are being teenage jerks and not letting the buff orps have any feed so they are now seperated. I'm considering putting in a bigger hen to settle the PC's down a bit....but then again they are just being teenagers!

Speaking of teenagers, I was reminded that in a mere 5 months I will have a human teenager. EEEEKK Help I'm not that old yet!
If I could find pure ducklings for $4 each, I'd pounce on them. I'm paying $10--$12 each for good stock, which isn't bad, but it adds up quick.

Agreed. Mine are from great stock, good tempered, and excellent layers. I was happy to see them go to a young girl who was very excited to have them. Sometimes I feel people who throw a fit about cost aren't necessarily that interested. They just have nothing better to do.

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