Surviving Minnesota!

Cloudy and dreary day today. Oh well.
Jesse is nearly finished with my new quail aviary, so I'll be shuffling animals around this afternoon. I finally put up an outside pen to let my little flock out of the brooder. Some of them were quite happy to taste dirt and stretch a bit. I used wire a bit too large along one side and some of the smaller birds escaped when it was time to go in for the night. Chaos ensued. I will be fixing that today.
Good evening chicken peeples, pretty decent day compared to what we've had lately.
The littles are 5 weeks old and i'm thinking 2 or 3 pullets out of the eight :barnie I could be wrong :fl

I think we had a small bear in the area last night, when I took the dog out before bed she was pretty upset with something and today I checked the area she had been barking towards and found some scat, looked like bear but not huge. Her barking kept it away from the house I guess since the bird feeders were still hanging and intact.
Morning .. we have that bright orb in the sky here today... it is scaring the birds.. St Judy is hiding under the bed..

Good luck on the broody Jerry.

My Chanticler that decided to go broody after laying a half dozen eggs is over it already. I guess she thought 4 days was long enough to sit in the corner alone.

Luckily, I did not let her have any Chanticler eggs and gave her 4 white legbar eggs instead.
Here are some baby bunny pictures, 8 total 5 are albinos

One of my goslings is pulling her sibs’ feathers and eating them. :barnie It obviously hurts... they *scream* when she does it. Bitter apple spray? Painless peepers (do they fit geese?)? Not sure what to do about this.

I’ve got the nice geese in poultry netting in a grassy patch (yes we have one now!!!) and the mean-girl in the currently unoccupied portion of the chicken yard. She is pacing incessantly back and forth, honk/squeaking, looking toward the other geese some distance away. She’s been doing this all day. Any suggestions welcome. (She’s not big enough to eat yet, Ralphie.)
One of my goslings is pulling her sibs’ feathers and eating them. :barnie It obviously hurts... they *scream* when she does it. Bitter apple spray? Painless peepers (do they fit geese?)? Not sure what to do about this.

I’ve got the nice geese in poultry netting in a grassy patch (yes we have one now!!!) and the mean-girl in the currently unoccupied portion of the chicken yard. She is pacing incessantly back and forth, honk/squeaking, looking toward the other geese some distance away. She’s been doing this all day. Any suggestions welcome. (She’s not big enough to eat yet, Ralphie.)
Staple her beak shut..

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