Surviving Minnesota!

How can you call a horse that fakes a bad leg to get out of being ridden a good horse?
I wish she was faking, the whole family does too. We had a pony like that once, clever little things. Like I said wish she was faking, but she isn't, I am suprised she lasted this long without any ailments. Any horse that puts in 15 years of hard riding for a ranching family deserves to be turned out for good at this point in her life. I mean heck she has taught all my siblings and I how to ride plus numerous cousins, it will be a sad day when she goes
My younger sister usually rides our oldest horse Bert, who is around 24 years old. Last fall the mare developed a small limp so we told my sister she would have to start riding Lilly(the red roan). Lilly was my uncles horse until she came up a little lame and he gave her to my older sister as she only really wants to ride every once in a while. Long story short my older sister rarely rode her and when she did, my older sister not being the best person when it comes to horses would just get frustrated and walk the horse home. So Lilly developed a bad habit out of that.
So today when my younger sister and I went out, me on my horse Sneaks, and her on Bert. A little ways in Bert started limping so I told her "I guess you better start riding Lilly". So we went back to the yard, I saddled up Lilly and my younger sister rode her around the yard a little. It went well so we went down the road, which was when my mom got these pictures
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I gotta say my sister made it farther then I thought she would, about 200 feet after these pictures I asked "You wanna trade" she said yes. So I had to give her the talk on how she needs to make sure Sneaks stays calm and relaxed otherwise Lilly would start getting anxious. We went a little further and then turned around. It was totally uneventful for Lilly not being ridden more than 5 times in the last two years. And my younger sister handled both horses, who are both handfuls at times, really well so that was nice to see.
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Here is Bert following behind us, a better horse you could never find
Looks like fun. Do you not usually wear helmets (riding hats)?
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Good morning! Sunny and gorgeous here today.

I had a great little vacation, visited family in Indiana and Michigan, played with the grandson, hunted morels with my brothers, visited breweries with my sister, cleaned out flower beds for my mom and enjoyed visiting with my dad. It was fun, but it's good to be home and busy with my own projects.

It rained buckets while we were gone and now everything is growing like mad. I have an awesome crop of weeds to deal with.

The kids helped me get our veggie garden in yesterday and we fenced out our flock of vultures. Now I can relax and tend to my flower beds.

Unfortunately my 19 year old is not a good flock tender and we lost several little chicks while we were gone. Their momma cave got knocked apart and he didn't realize how important it was. Dolly was pretty upset, but there are several eggs under broody hens due this week, so she will get her chick fix again. I won't be going off and leaving small chicks with anyone else again.
For Pete’s sake! We had one nice day (Sunday) during which I moved the cows’ paddock up onto the hill b/c there was no unmushy ground in the lower pasture. They were so happy! I laughed and laughed at them romping and sparring and just generally celebrating. Rained all night that night. Foggy and raining all day yesterday, raining now and s’posed to continue. Flood watch ‘till tomorrow morning then fog, fog, fog. Partly sunny on Friday. :))

Look at this! People before us tried to make a pond, but it’s almost always completely dry. It’s actually RUNNING OVER THE BERM. :eek: Plus it’s not our land over there so I can’t do anything about it. (If I could. I’d dig it out deeper and try to find a way to stop it leaking. It’s pretty, but not when it’s threatening to back up into the house.)


I’ve never seen it run over before, ever. (You can’t see in the photo, but it’s on the far left.) Usually it just leaks through. It got close once, like 10 years ago. This is all because I finally got chickens and turkeys and cows. I *know* it is. :lau:rant:gigOn the up side, the geese seem unfazed. (Notice how I didn’t spell that “un-phased”? :p)

Poor birdies... poor drippy cows. :hit

Last night I checked on mommyhen and her 30+ babies. I poured some fresh feed into one of the feeders. She came down from the nesting box with her tinys and was “showing them how to eat.” (They knew that, but they were attending to her instructions sweetly.) She would take a bit of crumble and drop it in the bedding and point to it. The tiny would eat it. So cute.

One of the older chicks (I know I have at least two cocks in that group) started to bully and man did she light into him! If he had a long tail it woulda been flippin’ tucked. So funny. I’m so proud of her. Even confined to the 4 x 8 stilted coop, she’s got the best gig of them all today. Nice and warm and dry with lots of cute babies who adore her.
Some of you know I like genetics and tinker in many types plants in addition to chickens . So here is a picture of a seedling blackberry that needs a pollinator . Fruiting for the first time . Black raspberry only berry blooming with it . Could make a interesting cross . :)View attachment 1791367
I seen your post on this on FB American berry growers... worthwhile hobby

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