Surviving Minnesota!

Today was about as perfect as it could get. The coming week looks a bit too warm but better than snow and windy, rainy....
I peeked ahead... not pretty, too hot.

Well sometimes he does... but they have to be chicks...

Jerry. The mosquitos are on biblical proportions. You will need some strategies to keep Janet happy because most people who live up here and are suppose to be used to it... are not happy. Wet season. But we have some beautiful forecast days ahead maybe they’ll dry up a bit.
There is a new food truck in town you guys need to try. The Woodpile. The food is out of this world.

I went to a good green house today. Good plants. But holy mackenoli do they charge!
The petunia colors are so fun.

There’s just three plants in this barrel planter. I guess you get what you pay for sometimes.
Chicks doing better. Exploring more. I was outside planting and weeding all day. Throwing ball for Sadie.
I put the mower deck on 2 inches yesterday. Whoa. I like it but maybe I’ll need to raise it back up 1/2 inch. Chickens love it though. Sentry is gifting and gifting bug finds. Easier to find in the short lawn. Lol.

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